Natural Ways To Increase Breast Size - No Surgery Involved!
Natural ways to increase breast size will always be popular as while breast enhancement is desired, many women would never contemplate surgery.
There are lots of options when it comes to getting bigger breasts, from enlargement pills and creams to breast pumps, exercises and certain foods.
Here we will have a look at some of these natural ways to increase breast size at home.
Breast Pumps Breast pumps work by the use of suction on the breasts to increase breast tissue naturally.
Suction cups or domes are placed on the breasts and hooked up to a computer through which the level of pressure applied is controlled.
This method or technique of tissue expansion is used in many medical procedures, for example to lengthen limbs.
While this method does work, you can expect only a moderate increase in cup size.
To obtain any results at all, you need to wear the breast pump for about ten hours per day over an extensive period of time.
It is the long-term consistent use of the pump that is the key but also the reason perhaps why it doesn't appear to be one of the popular natural ways to increase breast size.
Pills or creams that have clinical studies behind them have proven to be a better option for both convenience and effectiveness.
Breast Exercises These are another option that can help improve the overall shape of your breasts and something you can do at home.
It doesn't cost anything in terms of money but it does require a commitment in time and effort.
The purpose of breast exercises is really to tone the chest muscle which lies under the breasts.
Once the pectoral muscle is tightened and toned, it helps to lift the breasts and improve their shape giving the appearance of bigger breasts but no change in actual cup size.
Breast enhancement exercises certainly help to firm up the chest area however consistent effort is needed before you will see any results and many women today may not have the time to follow through with an exercise program.
Foods To Increase Breast Size Foods do not actually work directly to increase cup size but rather certain foods help to combat hormonal imbalances, thought to be the reason for under-developed breasts.
The period of time of breast development is during puberty and pregnancy when estrogen levels are high in the body.
Eating foods that are rich in estrogen as well as cutting back on foods that can produce too much of the male hormone testosterone will regulate your hormones and help in your quest for increased breast size.
Dairy, soy products, flax seeds, whole grains such as oats, barley and brown rice, beans and peas, apples, dates and other types of fruit as well as carrots, yams and tomatoes are all great sources of estrogen rich foods.
Breast Enlargement Pills and Creams These are probably the most popular of the natural ways to increase breast size.
They are convenient methods which instantly makes them attractive but they also generally have ingredients that are combined to produce results not only with breast size but also to make breasts firmer and perkier.
Creams in particular are absorbed directly into the breast tissue which can give faster results as the body can destroy some of the product in the stomach if consumed as a pill.
They are also more discreet since you can apply at home and in private.
Breast enlargement is possible without surgery and the natural ways to increase breast size are a more cost-effective, easy, and convenient option.
Whether you decide to try some breast exercises or buy enhancement cream, a small investment in yourself can give you the breasts you want as well as a boost in self-confidence.