Home Remedies for a Green Lawn
- Giving your lawn the correct amount of water is probably the most important aspect of maintaining a healthy, green lawn. Don't water with frequent, light applications, as this will inhibit your lawn's root system. It can also leave it to exposed to afflictions such as crabgrass. Check how often you should water your lawn by pushing a screw driver into different areas of your lawn. If you can comfortable penetrate it down into the soil around 7 inches, your lawn is receiving sufficient moisture with your current watering regimen. If it's too stiff or very muddy, adapt your watering schedule accordingly.
- Cutting your grass at the right time will also ensure your lawn remains vibrant and green. When mowing, don't sever any more than a third of the grass blade lengths at any one time. Mowing any deeper can result in damage to the grass' root system, which in turn will starve it of color. Make sure the blades on your mower are regularly sharpened, too. Inefficient blades can cause damage to the health and consistency of your lawn.
- Lawn parasites, such as bugs and grubs, feed off the roots of grass blades to acquire nutrients and moisture. This can lead to your lawn swiftly deteriorating, with the appearance of unsightly dead brown patches. There are a range of parasite repellents available at gardening stores or farmer's markets. Always read the labels to make sure they are safe for lawn use.
- Lawn aerator machines make holes on your lawn's surface, removing small chunks of compressed soil. This loosens up the soil, allowing it to move with greater freedom and grow more easily. Aerators also increase rooting levels, resulting in improved lawn health and a greener finish. Aerators are particularly effective at improving soil and grass health in gardens where pets are present, as their movement can result in compacted areas of soil.