Three Time-Tested Email Marketing Methods Of Promotions To Your Advantage
Getting your emails delivered is the first order of business when it comes to email marketing. If your email is even suspected of being spam, it is likely to be blocked by a spam filter. So when you're crafting out your emails for your email marketing campaign, you have to keep in mind that there are certain trigger words that you need to avoid using. For instance, if you're sending out an email about an "online business opportunity", don't use words such as wealth, money, etc. These are the kinds of words that have come to be associated with spam. The trick is to say the same thing using different words, ones that won't be blocked by spam filters. Instead of saying "free ebook," for example, you can say something like "ebook at no cost to you." The way you say something in your copy makes all the difference. You have to frame your message so that people can relate to it and will respond to it. Apart from that, by avoiding any trigger words, you'll make your email more responsive because your prospects won't confuse it as a spam. Your first priority is to have your email read, since if this doesn't happen nothing else is going to matter.
Having a strong call to action should be done in all your emails. Many marketers ignore this one aspect and end up getting bad results. Be clear about what your readers need to do next. The action you wish the prospect to take should be very clear and pointed out on how to achieve it. Assuming your prospect will get the idea may not work out that great. You have to make sure that you are crystal clear in your approach. Include your call to action at the top of your message and even the bottom if possible.
Some week days are better than others for emailing your list. Your email open rate will reflect this effect. Tuesday or Wednesday seem to be the best days for emailing a list. People are busy on the weekends having fun or whatever. So... Thursday and Friday people are prepping their minds for the weekend, and on Monday they're too screwed up because it's Monday. So the other two days already mentioned really do produce the best results.
Overall, email marketing can be seen as a marketing medium that will only grow with time, it's up to you how effectively you utilize it.