Relocation & Immigration - Destination Australia
We got the feeling that the people there are nice, life not as stressed as in other countries but above all there was this mystery that appealed to us, we really knew nothing about it and this "unknown" was very attractive.
We didn't know if we wanted to immigrate to Australia, the word immigration can sound pretty daunting doesn't it...
we decided we wanted to spend some time in Australia and our first destination was Melbourne.
An amazing city that was quite embracing from the very beginning so after 2 months we realized we have to find out how we can stay there.
Our dream was to become Australian permanent residents, we knew that would enable us to stay in Australia, live and work here and have a life without limitations because nothing is really possible on a tourist visa except traveling.
We felt we needed the grounding and the legal basis of living in this amazing country.
Finding the right migration agent was quite a journey but we ended up choosing somebody who seemed reliable, professional and caring enough and we felt comfortable to work with.
Skilled Migration seemed to be the best option for us as I was an accountant and accountants were on high demand (appeared on the MODL).
We first had to go through the skills assessment process so I had to get my skills assessed so that I could nominate the occupation of Accountant.
At that stage we felt very stressed in time and going back home was not an option so we decided to apply for a skills assessment with all assessing bodies even though only one is enough so we applied to CPAA ,ICAA and Vetassess too (in case the first 2 are not successful).
We were very stressed in time as I wasn't working and one of the basic requirements in Skilled Migration is to have recent work experience so in our case time was of high essence.
Luckily the first stage was completed successfully and all the skills assessments were positive and once that was completed our visa application was lodged.
It took about 10 months overall but our stress levels were pretty high, I remember I used to think that our determination and perseverance is being tested here...
Getting the visa approved was one of the happiest days in our lives, it was too good to be true! We had to go overseas and get our visas evidenced in our passports at the Australian embassy in New Zealand and there was something magical about coming into Australia with a permanent visa in your passport and later with an Australian passport.
We felt very proud! Today, 8 years after our move and Australian citizens for a few years by now I can say that migrating to Australia was one of the best decisions we made in life that opened the door to many options.
We took a leap of faith and it was definitely worth it!
We didn't know if we wanted to immigrate to Australia, the word immigration can sound pretty daunting doesn't it...
we decided we wanted to spend some time in Australia and our first destination was Melbourne.
An amazing city that was quite embracing from the very beginning so after 2 months we realized we have to find out how we can stay there.
Our dream was to become Australian permanent residents, we knew that would enable us to stay in Australia, live and work here and have a life without limitations because nothing is really possible on a tourist visa except traveling.
We felt we needed the grounding and the legal basis of living in this amazing country.
Finding the right migration agent was quite a journey but we ended up choosing somebody who seemed reliable, professional and caring enough and we felt comfortable to work with.
Skilled Migration seemed to be the best option for us as I was an accountant and accountants were on high demand (appeared on the MODL).
We first had to go through the skills assessment process so I had to get my skills assessed so that I could nominate the occupation of Accountant.
At that stage we felt very stressed in time and going back home was not an option so we decided to apply for a skills assessment with all assessing bodies even though only one is enough so we applied to CPAA ,ICAA and Vetassess too (in case the first 2 are not successful).
We were very stressed in time as I wasn't working and one of the basic requirements in Skilled Migration is to have recent work experience so in our case time was of high essence.
Luckily the first stage was completed successfully and all the skills assessments were positive and once that was completed our visa application was lodged.
It took about 10 months overall but our stress levels were pretty high, I remember I used to think that our determination and perseverance is being tested here...
Getting the visa approved was one of the happiest days in our lives, it was too good to be true! We had to go overseas and get our visas evidenced in our passports at the Australian embassy in New Zealand and there was something magical about coming into Australia with a permanent visa in your passport and later with an Australian passport.
We felt very proud! Today, 8 years after our move and Australian citizens for a few years by now I can say that migrating to Australia was one of the best decisions we made in life that opened the door to many options.
We took a leap of faith and it was definitely worth it!