How to Trap and Control Moles
Moles are attracted to earthworms and lawns are an ideal hunting ground as the worms are near to the surface and the network of grass roots supports extensive tunnelling.
After establishing a centre the mole or moles will work out digging several feeder tunnels.
Once the basic network has been formed they sit back and wait for the worms to come.
As the worms work through the soil they drop into the moles tunnel and the mole will eat them.
Solutions to control moles over the years have included the control of the earthworms.
However earthworms do a lot of good improving drainage, breaking down organic matter in the soil and help support health topsoil.
By removing or controlling the worms you will control the moles however you will damage your soil.
The best method removing moles is often to trap them.
Them trap is placed in the main run the mole then trips the trap and kills itself.
Many believe the key to trapping is to set the trap without introducing any scents or smells.
To achieve this many Traditional mole catchers recommend that you use old traps or buy new traps and bury them for a few weeks.
They also recommend before you touch the traps you should cover your hands in soil to hide your own scent.
It's my opinion that this does not add to your chances of successfully trapping moles.
There are a few much more important things to take into account.
The first is selecting the correct area to place your trap, followed by correctly placing the trap within the run.
Many types of trap are available and they will all catch a mole providing that they are set up and positioned correctly.
Once the trap is set you must make sure that no light can get into the mole run by adding turf or soil around the top of the trap.
Once you have placed the traps make sure to check them daily and move them if you are not catching.
Stay diligent and controlling the moles should not be a problem.
once you are successfully trapping you can enjoy your garden and not have to worry about moles ruining it.
It all sounds simple but in reality unless you are setting traps every day and have considerable experience you will more than likely fail.
It's annoying to see your carefully set traps dug around, set off and then thrown out of the ground or just ignored.
Hopefully this article has given you some insight into how to control your mole problem.
The key is to continue to trap and monitor the situation so that when new moles move in you can quickly control them.
of course you may not have the time to trap your own moles in which case why not call a traditional mole catcher to do the job for you.
After establishing a centre the mole or moles will work out digging several feeder tunnels.
Once the basic network has been formed they sit back and wait for the worms to come.
As the worms work through the soil they drop into the moles tunnel and the mole will eat them.
Solutions to control moles over the years have included the control of the earthworms.
However earthworms do a lot of good improving drainage, breaking down organic matter in the soil and help support health topsoil.
By removing or controlling the worms you will control the moles however you will damage your soil.
The best method removing moles is often to trap them.
Them trap is placed in the main run the mole then trips the trap and kills itself.
Many believe the key to trapping is to set the trap without introducing any scents or smells.
To achieve this many Traditional mole catchers recommend that you use old traps or buy new traps and bury them for a few weeks.
They also recommend before you touch the traps you should cover your hands in soil to hide your own scent.
It's my opinion that this does not add to your chances of successfully trapping moles.
There are a few much more important things to take into account.
The first is selecting the correct area to place your trap, followed by correctly placing the trap within the run.
Many types of trap are available and they will all catch a mole providing that they are set up and positioned correctly.
Once the trap is set you must make sure that no light can get into the mole run by adding turf or soil around the top of the trap.
Once you have placed the traps make sure to check them daily and move them if you are not catching.
Stay diligent and controlling the moles should not be a problem.
once you are successfully trapping you can enjoy your garden and not have to worry about moles ruining it.
It all sounds simple but in reality unless you are setting traps every day and have considerable experience you will more than likely fail.
It's annoying to see your carefully set traps dug around, set off and then thrown out of the ground or just ignored.
Hopefully this article has given you some insight into how to control your mole problem.
The key is to continue to trap and monitor the situation so that when new moles move in you can quickly control them.
of course you may not have the time to trap your own moles in which case why not call a traditional mole catcher to do the job for you.