Homemade Garden Sprayer
- Garlic spray insecticide is an effective tool against aphids, spider mites and whiteflies, according to veggiegardener.com. Take 2 cups water, 1 whole garlic bulb and 1 gallon of water for additional use. In a blender, combine the 2 cups of water along with the garlic bulb and blend on a high speed. When it becomes a fine paste, put it in a storage container and keep it aside for a day. Later on, strain out the garlic pulp, and combine the strained liquid with the additional gallon of water in a spraying bottle. Apply this spray on top and bottom of all the leaves thoroughly. Apply the garlic spray insecticide once a week; and particularly after it rains.
- For treating various fungi and mildew in powdery form, use a milk spray. According to veggigardener.com, create a milk spray by mixing 1 quart of water and 1 quart of milk. Put the mixture in a spraying container and use it for treating the infected and damaged plants only. For containing the disease, three treatments per week should be sufficient.
- For keeping the lawn green and beautiful, according to thriftyfun.com, there are several recipes that people have been using for years. One such recipe involves 1 can of beer, 1 cup of ordinary liquid dish-washing soap (not a detergent), 1 cup of ammonia, 1 cup of liquid lawn fertilizer (any brand) and 1 cup of corn syrup or molasses. Combine the ingredients in a hose-end sprayer of 10 or 20 gallons. Apply the solution to the entire lawn in the morning or evening. Make sure you spray evenly and water the lawn well. After application of this solution for a few weeks, you will find that the grass requires less water during droughts. Repeat every three weeks from then on.