Should You Dominate a Single Medium For Advertising Or Choose the Broad Spectrum Approach?
Instore Magazine publishes an email every day with their tips for that day.
In the tip from July 7, 2010 they say "Dominating a single medium, whether it's print, radio, telemarketing or direct mail, can be much more powerful than spreading your message thinly across several different media.
This is especially true if you have a very targeted consumer base.
" I've learned that concepts of internet marketing are not new, in fact the same marketing ideas for the internet have been around for centuries and used in all other advertising methods.
However, when we use these techniques on the internet we can measure response rates in a matter of days rather than the previous months or years that you had to wait.
Anyway, my feeling is this email from Instore Magazine is totally wrong.
You really need to be everywhere at the same time to get your message across.
Regretfully, if you are trying to pinch advertising dollars then your business is probably not financially strong in the first place, so we have to give you some ideas to make you strong.
First of all, you need to realize that advertising online will get you a higher return than traditional advertising, and for less money.
I'm going to classify "traditional" as newspaper, radio, TV, billboard, post cards and direct mail.
The cost of tradition media is always a few hundred to a few thousand per ad campaign, and then you are lucky to get 2% return.
With radio and billboard you're more likely to here people say "Oh I hear your ad on the radio," or "I saw your billboard.
" Meanwhile you are saying to yourself "Yeah, now please buy something!" When it comes to internet advertising you can spread your efforts out using several techniques that will range in price from $0 to $1,000+ per month.
Yes, I said $0, as in Zero.
The catch with a zero cost is the amount of time it will take to produce such advertising.
Somehow you have to "pay" for your advertising.
Sometimes it's in labor plus real cash, and sometimes it's just in your labor.
But if you are on a shoe-string budget the only thing you might have is your own personal labor.