Supercharge Your Content Creation With These Top Tips
Content creation is the cornerstone of websites.
It can help give insight to topics that have never been given before.
Or it can give a new perspective on a topic that has not been considered.
The web gives us the ability to share ideas and in fact, that was the purpose of it when the initial concept was created by the United States government, back in the 1950's.
ARPANET was this creation and was used by the government to securely pass information among the military.
A less stringent form of ARPANET was leased out to major universities later on that gave students and faculty the ability to collaborate.
But just because we have this massive collaboration method called the internet does not mean that all content created is worthy of sharing.
In fact, much of what is published on the web is not very good at all.
Using the tips of this article can help you come up with better content.
If your content is deemed by your readers as quality, they will return to see what else you have produced.
Here is a summary of the tips followed by explanations of each:
This seems pretty obvious but you'd be surprised at how many people will simply grab a piece of content and pass it off as their own, mainly because they don't know much about the subject.
In this day of Google's tough scrutiny, a tactic such as this will land you up getting slapped by them.
Tip #2 - Include resources.
I can't tell how many articles I've read on various subjects, across various websites, that give tips but don't include resources to other websites, videos, etc.
For instance, I read an article about how you should use a dealer invoice price when negotiating a car purchuse with no reference whatsoever to links to where to find those.
That makes me have to research this myself.
Tip #3 - Keep your paragraphs short.
We live in a world of information overload.
That last thing that any visitor to your website wants to do is read a thesis on the subject you are covering.
Web readers are really skimmers.
That doesn't mean you should give some meat to your writing.
In fact, if you notice, I gave you the ability to skim with my bullet points which gives you the option to go further with this expanded description.
The bullet points are enough for some people.
Tip #4 - If you were getting paid to write an article, chances are pretty good that the article would be scrutinized pretty thoroughly.
In fact, the more you get paid for that article, the more scrutiny is applied.
Write your content as if someone hired you to do so and they are paying several hundreds of dollars for the one article.
Doing this will help you create some seriously great content.
Tip #5 - If you get nothing else out of this article, let it be this.
Write your content for your readers only.
I know you will hear SEO "experts" tell you all about keyword densities, and other such nonsense, and if you listen to them, you will probably get your website banned from Google.
What Google has openly stated however, is that if you write quality content that is directed towards readers, you will get Google love from doing so.
These tips will help you write better content.
Why do I know this?Because I use them and they have helped me out immeasurably.
It is not rocket science but it does take some reconditioning, so to speak, to continuously apply them.
But the rewards of doing so are too good to pass up on.
It can help give insight to topics that have never been given before.
Or it can give a new perspective on a topic that has not been considered.
The web gives us the ability to share ideas and in fact, that was the purpose of it when the initial concept was created by the United States government, back in the 1950's.
ARPANET was this creation and was used by the government to securely pass information among the military.
A less stringent form of ARPANET was leased out to major universities later on that gave students and faculty the ability to collaborate.
But just because we have this massive collaboration method called the internet does not mean that all content created is worthy of sharing.
In fact, much of what is published on the web is not very good at all.
Using the tips of this article can help you come up with better content.
If your content is deemed by your readers as quality, they will return to see what else you have produced.
Here is a summary of the tips followed by explanations of each:
- Tip 1- Understand Your Topic
- Tip 2 - Include Resources
- Tip 3 - Keep Paragraphs Short
- Tip 4 - Write As If Someone Is Going To Pay You
- Tip 5 - Ignore Writing For Search Engines
This seems pretty obvious but you'd be surprised at how many people will simply grab a piece of content and pass it off as their own, mainly because they don't know much about the subject.
In this day of Google's tough scrutiny, a tactic such as this will land you up getting slapped by them.
Tip #2 - Include resources.
I can't tell how many articles I've read on various subjects, across various websites, that give tips but don't include resources to other websites, videos, etc.
For instance, I read an article about how you should use a dealer invoice price when negotiating a car purchuse with no reference whatsoever to links to where to find those.
That makes me have to research this myself.
Tip #3 - Keep your paragraphs short.
We live in a world of information overload.
That last thing that any visitor to your website wants to do is read a thesis on the subject you are covering.
Web readers are really skimmers.
That doesn't mean you should give some meat to your writing.
In fact, if you notice, I gave you the ability to skim with my bullet points which gives you the option to go further with this expanded description.
The bullet points are enough for some people.
Tip #4 - If you were getting paid to write an article, chances are pretty good that the article would be scrutinized pretty thoroughly.
In fact, the more you get paid for that article, the more scrutiny is applied.
Write your content as if someone hired you to do so and they are paying several hundreds of dollars for the one article.
Doing this will help you create some seriously great content.
Tip #5 - If you get nothing else out of this article, let it be this.
Write your content for your readers only.
I know you will hear SEO "experts" tell you all about keyword densities, and other such nonsense, and if you listen to them, you will probably get your website banned from Google.
What Google has openly stated however, is that if you write quality content that is directed towards readers, you will get Google love from doing so.
These tips will help you write better content.
Why do I know this?Because I use them and they have helped me out immeasurably.
It is not rocket science but it does take some reconditioning, so to speak, to continuously apply them.
But the rewards of doing so are too good to pass up on.