How to Repair a Snagged Carpet
- 1). Pinch the end of the snagged carpet fiber with tweezers and pull gently upward without adding tension. Do not pull the fiber out further; just lift the end higher than the other carpet fibers.
- 2). Dip a toothpick into carpet adhesive and apply it to the base of the fiber you are holding. This will help keep the same fiber from snagging again.
- 3). Snip the excess length of the fiber with scissors so it is the same height as the rest of the carpet fibers.
- 1). Hold the loose fiber up with one hand and snip it off with scissors as close to the floor as possible. If the fiber is attached at both ends, snip both ends this way to completely remove the fiber.
- 2). Apply strips of masking tape to all four sides of the bare strip left by the snag. This will protect the rest of your carpet.
- 3). Apply a strip of carpet adhesive along the length of the bare strip.
- 4). Poke one end of the snagged fiber that you cut at one end of the bare spot. Poke it into place with an awl or even the capped end of a ballpoint pen.
- 5). Poke the rest of the snagged fiber into the strip of adhesive, loop by loop, allowing the loops to lay naturally. Let the adhesive dry overnight before walking on the area or removing the tape.