Hypertension May Increase Your Risk For Kidney Disease
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, causes blood vessel damage in the kidneys, and harms the filters contained in the kidneys. This makes your body incapable of filtering our and removing wastes from your body.
Like high blood pressure, you may be unaware of any damage done to your kidneys until very late in the disease. If intervention is not made in a timely manner, you could conceivably progress to end-stage renal disease.
Here are the following symptoms of kidney disease:
1. High blood pressure
2. Swelling due to fluid, especially lower legs
3. Increased frequency of urination at night
4. Decreased urine output
5. Difficult urination
If you recognize some of the symptoms, and particularly if you have high blood pressure, it's a good idea to see your doctor. Lab tests can determine whether or not your kidneys are functioning the way they should. Higher than normal levels of serum creatinine or elevated BUN (blood urea nitrogen) levels may mean damage has been done to your kidneys. Your doctor can also check your urine for the presence of protein, called proteinuria, which can also indicate kidney disease.
The threat of kidney disease and the possibility of ESRF (end stage renal failure), should be enough incentive for you to monitor your blood pressure on a regular basis and try to make sure it stays below 130/80.
If you're overweight, get serious about taking off the excess pounds so you don't wind up with Type 2 diabetes, since that also puts you at a higher risk for developing kidney disease. Losing weight can also help, in some cases, to lower your blood pressure.
Other health issues can be affected by high blood pressure that's left untreated including heart disease, stroke, and coronary artery disease, which can lead to a heart attack. You can also suffer damage to your brain and your eyes.
The setback with high blood pressure is that you usually discover that you have it only when significant damage has been done already, because during the early stages, there are normally no symptoms associated with it. Once you are experiencing symptoms such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, or vision problems, your blood pressure is dangerously high.
That's why I can't stress strongly enough the importance of knowing what your blood pressure is and checking it regularly. I also want to stress the importance of taking action toward bringing your blood pressure within normal limits.
I've developed a high blood pressure program that has seen extraordinary results in thousands of individuals across the globe. In less than seven days, you can lower your blood pressure significantly by using the three simple exercises outlined in the program. It works for anyone, regardless of your age, activity level, or physical shape.