Save A Relationship by Following These Simple Steps
These are some steps you can take: The best way to rebuild your relationship is by identifying the problems as early as possible.
The moment you realize the reasons behind problems between you and your partner, you will be able to start looking for an answer and try to manage everything in order to resolve all issues.
Start by grabbing a pen and a piece of paper and dividing it into two.
On the first half of paper write down your name and on the second half, write down your partner's name.
Now starts with the paper on which your name is written.
Think about all the problems in you which are causing the relationship to end.
For doing it perfectly, it is important that you stay honest and specific.
Make sure that you write down all small and big behaviors that you think are becoming a barrier in your relationship.
Once you are over with writing about problems from your end, do the same for your partner.
Now start by picking two problems from both the papers.
Once you have selected problems, try to find at least two possible solutions to each problem.
Take your time and find out possible solutions.
Once you have written down the solutions, try to make specific plan on how you can work on those solutions and apply them to make your relationship work.
For an instance, if the problem is your inability to spend time with your partner, your possible solution should be setting up a night out on weekend.
If you want, involve your partner while doing this activity.
If you have not been able to involve your partner while finding out solutions, set up a time with him then you both can sit along with two pieces of paper and talk about it.
While you and your partner are talking to each other in order to find possible solutions, it is important to remember that the goal of this conversation is rebuilding the relationship.
Your approach should be direct and calm.
Also be patient while listening to your partner.
If you think that your partner have better ideas, try to work on them.
Together you and your partner should determine to give hundred percent so that genuinity, love and willingness to stay with each other wins over every problem that both of you might have faced in recent years.
There is nothing better than togetherness and if you think you need a professional help, seek counseling from a therapist.