How to Get a Boy to Like You - Ways to Become the Person That He Needs
They are not hard to figure out either.
What they want from women are pretty much the same as the things women want from them.
Primarily, they need someone who can be their partner, confidante, trusted someone and spend fun times with.
Below are useful hints on how to get a boy to like you.
1 - Accept the fact that you can't make anyone like you.
If you want to know how to get a boy to like you, you should not try to force the feeling on him.
A guy who wants to mold you into someone they would want is not worth even a second of your time.
2 - Do the things you love.
If you find there are things you want to do but then have always put it off, it is about time that you start doing it.
Doing the things that interests you is a great way to start meeting people of similar outlooks in life.
3 - Value yourself first.
In order for you to be liked and to be respected by men, you will need to value everything about you.
4 - Give yourself a breathing space.
To put it simply, try to have fun with your friends and spend time with other things than just sitting in one corner waiting for him to notice your existence.
Such is a major turn off for all men.
5 - Always save something for yourself.
By all means do not give away everything that you got for him because in the end even after heartbreak, you will be able to proudly say that it is his loss and not yours.
How to get a boy to like you as a question is all about the right attitude and patience.
Right attitude to accept the things you can and cannot change as well as patience to endure the waiting phase.