Learn About No Fault Auto Insurance
However, this insurance type does not offer the same level of justice as presented in normal cases of plaintiffs and defendants in common law practices. It offers level justice for anyone who might be involved in vehicle accidents. The main advantage is prompt justice especially when considered on an economic level.
One distinct property of the no-fault principle vehicle insurance is that it does not prevent the aggrieved parties from taking legal action against the defendant in order to recover additional amounts. However, the provision to sue is influenced by various factors key among them being the province where the accident occurred. In addition, certain requirement regarding the case must also be fulfilled. Normally, major disfigurement, monetary threshold and death are the major considerations. However, you should realize that it is possible to sue for economic loss but not pain and suffering in some provinces.
One of the strong points of this form of insurance is the elimination of delays. However, this was not the main consideration when it was introduced in some parts of Canada including Saskatchewan. The main consideration at the time was the low percentage of drivers who had liability insurance.
Before choosing this type of insurance, one should learn certain things about the principle. One thing that confuses many people is the no-fault term, which leads many to think that they cannot be at-fault when accidents occur. Normally, insurers have to assign fault either in full or in part whenever an accident happens.
The second thing is that when one is found at-fault, the occurrence is noted in your personal insurance records. This has a direct effect of hiking your insurance premiums since the insurer now classifies you as a higher risk.
One of the best things though about no-fault vehicle insurance is the standardization of the rules in fault assigning within a province. This means that all insurers use the same standards. However, different provinces apply different standards. A good example is that if you rear-end another car on an icy Ontario road, you will be at fault. This is because the fault determination rules in Ontario stipulate that drivers should consider road conditions while driving.