The Installation of Drywall in a Room
- 1). Measure the dimensions of your ceiling and walls and record those dimensions on a piece of paper. Determine the size and shape of the drywall panels that you will need, and the cuts you will need to make, based on the size of the uncut drywall panels you bought. Remember that each drywall panel must end in the middle of a stud, and any large opening such as a window needs to be in the center of a panel, not at the seam of two panels.
- 2). Cut the drywall panels to your required size. For straight cuts, score a straight line across the face of the drywall, using your utility knife. Bend the drywall along that line to snap it, then score the back to separate the two pieces. For angled or circular cuts, make a pencil mark to show the line of the cut, and cut the drywall using a rotary drywall saw.
- 3). Hammer steel protection plates into place on any stud that has cabling behind it. Position the plate directly over where the wire passes through the stud, and hammer it into place.
- 4). Place your first ceiling piece into place. The first piece should be one that needs no cutouts for electrical boxes. Have someone help you hold up the drywall, then adjust your T-brace until the top is resting against the drywall.
- 5). Screw the ceiling piece into place, starting in the middle of the piece. Put screws every 12 inches wherever the drywall covers a stud. For the edges of the drywall, make sure the screws are within 3/8-inch of the edge. Drive the screws just below the surface of the drywall, but don't drive them so deep that they break the paper facing of the drywall.
- 6). Make measurements from the piece of drywall you just installed to any electrical boxes or light fixtures that you will have to cut openings for on an adjacent piece. Transfer those measurements to the piece of drywall that you already cut, and create the openings using your rotary saw. Install these ceiling pieces in the same manner as the first one.
- 7). Install the first wall piece of drywall in the same manner as the ceiling pieces. Since the T-brace won't work here, you will need a second person to hold up the drywall. The first piece of drywall should be in an upper corner of the room. Cut out openings for outlets, switches, doors and windows as you go.
- 8). Cut your corner bead to length using your tin snips for any outside corner of the drywall. Hold the corner bead in place, and drive 1 1/4-inch nails through the bead and into the drywall. Space the nails about 12 inches apart.
- 9). Apply a thin layer of joint compound over the joints in the drywall. While the compound is still wet, place a piece of drywall tape down the center of the joints, then cover the tape with another layer of compound. Do this for any inside corners, as well.