Your Subconscious Mind - An Unstoppable Power
This is not one of those articles that finishes up trying to get you to buy the latest whizz bang product, I just want to pass on to you some unusual and very powerful information.
I truly believe that the difference between those who make money online and indeed in any kind of on or offline business and those who don't is the understanding and implementation of the techniques that I am going to share with you.
Do you really know what it is you want out of life and how to get it? Please don't be insulted but the chances are that you don't, I know I didn't.
In December 2012, after six pretty disastrous and slightly hilarious years of trying to make money online I came across something that changed everything.
This something included ideas that I was pretty uncomfortable with.
In fact I just couldn't truly accept the concepts that were presented to me.
I thought they were a tad crazy.
You may also find them somewhat weird but please bear with me.
I'll talk some other time about my chequered online career but one problem that I always had, and this might ring a bell with you, was that I could never get enough traffic to any site or offer that I was promoting.
I remember thinking that 50 visitors in one day was fairly amazing.
So when I came across this new approach last December all I wanted to know was how to get lots and lots of traffic to my site - SHOW ME THE TRAFFIC!! Being told that this was the wrong approach and that working on my own mind first was more important was not what I wanted to hear.
You are by now perhaps expecting me to come out with some new age physco babble whilst rattling my beads and ingesting some illegal substance.
Well I am going to talk about the mind, in fact YOUR MIND.
What I am about to share with you has been around for decades and has helped countless thousands achieve their goals, including famous people in business, sport, the professions, show business, in fact every walk of life.
You may be wondering if I am the creator of these techniques, well the answer to that one is no, I simply consider myself very fortunate to have come across them and am now in a position to pass them on to you.
Have you ever been asked what your goals are? Or perhaps you prefer to keep them to yourself.
When most folk are asked they will say something like...
- I want to quit my job
- I want to make shed loads of money
- I want a flash car
- I want a fabulous house
A goal is a clearly defined dream.
I want you to dwell on that line - a goal is a clearly defined dream.
There is nothing wrong with dreaming, that's where it all begins.
Here is where your mind comes into this so you best pay attention! I am using my conscious mind now to write this article, see my computer screen and feel the keys on my Mac.
You are using your conscious mind in a similar manner.
We also have a subconscious mind.
These two combined make up the most sophisticated instrument on the planet, no man made device comes even close.
In your life you have learned a huge number of skills.
Everything from picking up a cup to riding a bike, driving a car and millions others things including endless specialized skills to do with your work or hobby.
In short you are pretty extraordinary.
How did you learn those skills? Lets take bike riding as an example.
You got on, perhaps fell off a couple of time, someone might have held onto the bike to help.
You tried to move forward, you wobbled around your eyes fixed on the front wheel, remember that? Anyway after trying again and again you eventually mastered it.
We often refer to it as practice, this kind of practice is in fact repetition The godfather of rock and roll, Chuck Berry was once asked something like 'Hey Chuck how come your are such a brilliant guitarist' Chuck replied 'That, oh that's just repetition of execution'.
A fabulous line and I apologize if I've slightly misquoted Mr.
Lets say that you learned to ride a bicycle in your childhood then didn't get on a bike for many years.
In adulthood perhaps you were on holiday and someone suggested hiring bicycles.
When you first mounted your machine you were probably a little apprehensive but after a short time you had no problem in controlling it.
Why didn't you have to re-learn that particular skill? Your subconscious had absorbed what worked the first time around.
It was like a program entitled 'how to ride a bicycle' that was deeply etched onto your subconscious.
When you went to mount a bike again later in life your subconscious pulled out the right program and pushed it forward giving your conscious mind the 'how to' instructions it needed.
An amazing process.
So what has this to do with you achieving your goals? Your first task is to program your subconscious to knowing precisely what it is that you want to achieve.
The word precisely is extremely important here.
Without knowing what it is exactly that you want and when you want it the almost magical subconscious mind cannot help you acquire it.
In the next article in this three part series I'm going to tell you how to program your subconscious for success and how it will help you move forward towards your goals.
That article will be entitled 'Your Self Image and the Fast Track to Success'.
Don't dismiss these ideas in the way I initially did, they work, they just plain work.
Lawrence Stainbank