New Materials Will Make Commercial Trucks More Fuel Efficient in the Future - By Mandate?
Nothing will stop this potential eventuality as companies work to replace old equipment, meet demand as the economy recovers and fuel price keep going up.
And they will with China and India coming online with more demand faster than new found oil reserves are being found and the infrastructure is built to exploit and extract.
It will happen, it has to happen, and innovation does happen, just like manure one might say.
And speaking of Manure, there are some political movements here as well.
It turns out there are some politicians who want to put forth mandates, because they (A) Want to guarantee it will happen, but; (B) Want to look good while it's happening? In fact, an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal entitled; "Manufacturers Face Tough Fuel Efficiency Rules" published on October 26, 2010 which talked about the trucking industry and transportation sector stated that the Obama Administration would call for the increase of fuel efficiency by 20% for commercial trucks and buses and noted; "this is the first time for such vehicles.
" These new figures will be mandatory per the Obama "memo" Press Release by 2018 and it was confirmed by both the DOT and EPA, working together - isn't that special? No, it's not actually, beware when giant bureaucracies get together like this for the sake of uplifting their credibility, with a politician trying to keep from drowning in his own rhetoric and false promises of the past! Okay so, all the environmental advocates, and eco-terrorists are jumping for joy, but I see this as nothing more than a PR grab for headlines, and a pathetic attempt for the DOT Department of Transportation and the Obama Administration to pretend like they are actually doing something.
And I have no doubt President Obama will swing by Georgia to give yet another teleprompter reading at the new Great Dane Trailer manufacturing facility which will be employing some 400 people to make let's say 5,000 new trailers per year.
That's just great, but I recall last time President Obama went to a new Hybrid Truck manufacturing plant just after they received a huge contract for a number of new trucks, we had an instant boost in truck manufacturing stock prices, and temporary euphoria in the transportation sector for two-weeks, which then dwindled to nothing.
Let's get the bureaucracy out of the way, and remove the regulations so free-enterprise solutions can bring forth new technologies at the "speed of business" not the "speed of government" - Let's stop the hype and let the wheels of commerce do what they do best without this incessant interference and PR grab from the teleprompter king of the podium! Please consider all this.