Tips for a Successful Lie Detection
Polygraph and lie detection tests are not your options if you want to catch a cheating partner or a lying friend. But do you know that you can be a human lie detector machine?
Here are effective tips for successful lie detection:
€ Do not be overly confident in your ability to detect lies in people. If you have been successful in the past and have caught many lies in people, then it is possible that you simply got lucky. What about the times when you failed to detect dishonesty and you were ultimately fooled? Never overestimate your ability to detect deception or lying. Overconfidence clouds your judgment and does not help any lie detection technique.
€ Excessive probing rarely uncovers a lie. Timing is always the key. If you ask a trick question at the most opportune time, then that unlocks the door to getting a conclusive statement that spells the deception in black and white. Nonverbal behavior is usually the most telling sign of liars. Focus more on that. Then hit the person whom you are suspicious of with a single trick question when he least expects it. You will most likely uncover the lie that way.
€ Baseline behavior is very crucial. This is fairly easy if you are close to the person whom you suspect of cheating or lying to you. You know that person's behavior during instances when he has no incentive to lie. Use this as an advantage. If he deviates from this normal behavior that you have come to expect of him, then that is significant. There may or may not be lying involved.
€ Use your discretion at all times. Operating based on gut instinct alone will get you nowhere. Sometimes, people lie because of good intentions. They may not want to hurt your feelings. They may even try to protect you when they lie. And not all lying partners commit infidelity. Always keep a balance between trust and suspicion.
It is helpful to understand how the process of lying and its biometric patterns work. That knowledge can be handy not just in workplace or domestic situations but also in the day to day life. Handbooks like€">DetectDeceit can elucidate and help.