Protecting Good Intentions
Often the negative actions of others encourage us to change those plans or actions that we have deemed to be honorable and of good fortune.
It is important that we remember that in most cases the actions and intentions of the people that are introducing the negative actions are both selfish and offensive in nature.
They are committing these actions with little remorse or reflection on how this action will affect those that are around them.
When we choose to alter our original intention of good will to adapt to the offensive actions of others, we often lessen the impact of our contribution.
As a result of the insecurity introduced in this unwanted action, we begin to imagine or create unproductive possibilities that have nothing to do with our original intentions.
In traveling down the path that this person has introduced into our intention,we are actually engaging into a reactive position of intention, rather than a proactive position of intention.
Being reactive offers limitation and restriction in our ability to produce new ideas and contributions.
It also places us in a position of defense.
Being proactive opens the door to new ideas and possibilities that will encourage the existing potential of your original intentions.
Good intentions have always and will always welcome the support of even more of the same intentions into our lives.
In blocking your original intention with thoughts that have actually been introduced through someone else's wrong doing, you are actually giving the wrong doing a portion of the power that developed in the action of your intentions.
I personally don't mind sharing my ice cream, sharing my friends or sharing my ideas.
But, when it comes to sharing the power of those intentions that offer good will in this world, I believe that we should all be very protective of its ability to blossom.
Therefore I recommend that we remain steadfast in meeting the needs of our good intentions, so that more of our intentions can be produced in its positive offspring.
What are your thoughts about protecting our good natured intentions? I'd like to know..
It is important that we remember that in most cases the actions and intentions of the people that are introducing the negative actions are both selfish and offensive in nature.
They are committing these actions with little remorse or reflection on how this action will affect those that are around them.
When we choose to alter our original intention of good will to adapt to the offensive actions of others, we often lessen the impact of our contribution.
As a result of the insecurity introduced in this unwanted action, we begin to imagine or create unproductive possibilities that have nothing to do with our original intentions.
In traveling down the path that this person has introduced into our intention,we are actually engaging into a reactive position of intention, rather than a proactive position of intention.
Being reactive offers limitation and restriction in our ability to produce new ideas and contributions.
It also places us in a position of defense.
Being proactive opens the door to new ideas and possibilities that will encourage the existing potential of your original intentions.
Good intentions have always and will always welcome the support of even more of the same intentions into our lives.
In blocking your original intention with thoughts that have actually been introduced through someone else's wrong doing, you are actually giving the wrong doing a portion of the power that developed in the action of your intentions.
I personally don't mind sharing my ice cream, sharing my friends or sharing my ideas.
But, when it comes to sharing the power of those intentions that offer good will in this world, I believe that we should all be very protective of its ability to blossom.
Therefore I recommend that we remain steadfast in meeting the needs of our good intentions, so that more of our intentions can be produced in its positive offspring.
What are your thoughts about protecting our good natured intentions? I'd like to know..