Teach Your Child to Be a Millionaire Without You Being One!
The economic classes are getting further and further apart.
Lower and middle class folks are becoming one while the upper class is rocketing further ahead.
If you do not teach your child how to financially succeed (whether you learned how to do it or not), your child will most likely sink into the lower corners of poverty.
Parents often ask when they should start this financial education.
The answer is-NOW! When? The simple answer is: "Every moment you are with your children no matter what their age!" Getting them up to get dressed for school, at meal times, during play times, at conversational moments, and when he/she goes to bed lends itself to a teaching moment.
Helping your child learn the difference between just paying bills and becoming the Millionaire Child is a 24hr.
a day J.
(Joining, Observing, and Believing).
Let's look at each of these separately.
Joining Actively participating in his/her life means you are joining with them.
This point cannot go without great emphasis.
Most parents are caught up in the wilds of the day, each day, and their child's life is given over to day care, nannies, and babysitters.
Hear me, in and of it, none of these services provided are bad.
They only become "bad" when that is the only person or environment the child interacts with.
The necessities of these services often become surrogate (substitute parenting).
We let these services parent, raise, and teach our children.
The Millionaire Child cannot be taught about becoming a millionaire if you are not actively teaching this.
Observing Observing is not what you do, it is what they do! Your child will observe how you handle money, how you spend it or save it.
He watches how you control others with it, manipulate circumstances, touch lives, and achieve great causes.
He observes your joy, frustration, or you never finding the path to financial freedom (while whining and telling your child how evil rich people are).
Observing how you handle money models for them how they are to handle it.
Making money can be a freeing experience or a burden laden affair including multiple jobs, hardships, and never ending bills.
Unless you change, how can you expect them to learn? Understand one key factor in this equation: wealthy people think and act differently than poor and middle class.
Wealthy say, "I will not quit.
" While the poor and middle class say, "Quit now while you are ahead.
" Rich people say, "Finish the job and cross the finish line.
" Poor and middle class say, "Why run the race, someone will eventually win and it won't be you.
" The abundant living folks say, "There is more than enough for everyone.
" Poor and middle class mindset says, "There is never enough so grab it while you can.
" The greatest step in birthing the Millionaire Child is to change your thinking, which affects their thinking, which results in an "I can do it.
" attitude in your child.
Once and for all, hear me, if you tell your child that he or she can do and be anything they want to be while modeling for them how destitute and negative this world is; you are confusing the heck out of them-stop it! Believing Believing in your child to accomplish whatever he or she wants to is one of the greatest challenges of parenting.
Yet, with a change in thinking, on the parent's part, every cell and fiber in your body will tell and show that child that risk, failure, and success live on the same street! Few parents truly believe in their children.
Since most of your dreams never materialized you believe that the child needs to understand reality.
The encouragement to dream big may be spoken, although modeling it, on your part, never happens.
Although you as a parent say dream, you often model how to keep your feet on the ground and live under the pain of failure.
Be congruent! If you tell your child to be strong-model it! If you tell them that failure does not mean you stop trying-model it! If you tell them never to quit-model it! Be a parent who truly has tremendous results from doing their J.
of parenting and building the Millionaire Child! I promise you, your change in how you view money will affect your child's future!