Tips When You Flirt With Men - Using Male Psychology to Your Advantage
Some women are no more attractive than you but they seem to be able to get some great guys without even trying to do anything.
Many women struggle to learn how to flirt with men because we are not good at learning new techniques.
There are some tips which can make it much easier to flirt.
Smile A smile is a very subtle form of flirting and works very well.
It also shows the guy that you won't bite if he comes up to talk to him.
If you smile then it shows off all of your best features.
A smile can be used up close or at a distance.
Eye contact You should show that you are confident by making eye contact.
Do be careful though because you don't want to stare at him.
If you make the right amount of eye contact then you will be able to show that you are interested in him.
Physical contact If you are actually with the person then you can try making some physical contact.
You can even make this look like an accident.
Something as simple as touching his arm or tapping his hand will be sufficient.
Men like this subtle physical contact.
Don't shout When you are talking in a noisy place it can be tempting to make your voice louder so that they can hear you.
This however isn't the right thing to do because it will appear like you are shouting.
You should keep your normal speaking voice.
As an added bonus he might even have to move closer to you so that he can hear what you have to say.
When you want to flirt with men there are quite a few things that you can try.
Try experimenting until you feel comfortable attracting guys.