Does Swimming Cause Yeast Infections
No it doesn't and it doesn't make it worse.
More likely it's what you do after swimming that causes the problems.
A yeast infection is caused by the overgrowth of the Candida albicans fungi.
Yeast occurs naturally in our bodies but we have certain other bacteria in our bodies that keep it in check.
When the good bacteria are removed the balance is lost and the yeast starts to multiply.
Yeast loves warm, moist areas.
That's where the swimming myth comes in.
It's not the swimming that may cause a yeast infection but the fact of not drying off completely soon after that does it.
After swimming you should get out of the wet swimsuit as soon as possible to reduce the chance of the yeast taking up residence.
This is also good advice when it comes to working out or participating in other sports.
Also be assured that a yeast infection cannot be passed to others swimming in the same pool.
The purpose of the chemicals in pools is to kill any harmful bacteria floating around, including the yeast.
Yeast can be passed by unprotected sex and yes, men do get yeast infections.
Besides staying dry to avoid a yeast infection, you should avoid perfumed soaps and sprays.
Even douching can upset that pH balance in our bodies and allow the yeast to multiply.
If you have a problem with recurring yeast infections, consider wearing looser fitting clothes and cotton underwear.
This allows the skin to breathe and stay dry.
Anywhere you perspire is a breeding ground for a yeast infection.
In conclusion, do not let the fear of getting a yeast infection keep you from the swimming pool.
Just use some of the above techniques to keep the fungi from multiplying and you'll be fine.
More likely it's what you do after swimming that causes the problems.
A yeast infection is caused by the overgrowth of the Candida albicans fungi.
Yeast occurs naturally in our bodies but we have certain other bacteria in our bodies that keep it in check.
When the good bacteria are removed the balance is lost and the yeast starts to multiply.
Yeast loves warm, moist areas.
That's where the swimming myth comes in.
It's not the swimming that may cause a yeast infection but the fact of not drying off completely soon after that does it.
After swimming you should get out of the wet swimsuit as soon as possible to reduce the chance of the yeast taking up residence.
This is also good advice when it comes to working out or participating in other sports.
Also be assured that a yeast infection cannot be passed to others swimming in the same pool.
The purpose of the chemicals in pools is to kill any harmful bacteria floating around, including the yeast.
Yeast can be passed by unprotected sex and yes, men do get yeast infections.
Besides staying dry to avoid a yeast infection, you should avoid perfumed soaps and sprays.
Even douching can upset that pH balance in our bodies and allow the yeast to multiply.
If you have a problem with recurring yeast infections, consider wearing looser fitting clothes and cotton underwear.
This allows the skin to breathe and stay dry.
Anywhere you perspire is a breeding ground for a yeast infection.
In conclusion, do not let the fear of getting a yeast infection keep you from the swimming pool.
Just use some of the above techniques to keep the fungi from multiplying and you'll be fine.