Learn the Basics of Writing Successful Pay Per Click Ads
You are trying to convey a lot of information in a very small space.
To further complicate matters, you are paying for each click and you are being scored (by the search engine) on how effective your ads are in generating clicks.
In other words, when you put an ad out there, it better be good.
It needs to get clicks (which cost you money) and make you sales.
Here's the outline you need to follow to write successful ads: Headline: get the searchers attention.
Draw them in to your ad.
Five times as many people will read your headline as will read the body of your ad.
The headline is the most important element! First line: Share the biggest, most powerful benefit of your product.
If it cures cancer, tell the searcher right now.
Second line: Tell the searcher what the product's most important feature is.
Display URL: most advertisers overlook the display URL.
This makes it a huge opportunity for you.
Be creative.
Work in a feature or a benefit if you can.
Either way, be sure to include the main keyword related to your product.
Destination URL: this is the simplest step, but also very important.
Make sure you are sending your clicks to the right place.
Bonus tip: split test! Run two ads for every keyword.
It doesn't take much extra work.
The ads can be virtually the same.
In fact, keep them very similar.
The idea is to see what generates more clicks and more sales.
Once you have a winner, stop running the loser and try to improve on the winner (split test again).
Writing pay per click advertisements can be intimidating.
Break it down piece-by-piece, as described above, and you will be on your way to success.
Always test your ads and look for ways to educate yourself.