How to Compare Flow Cytometry & Image Cytometry
- 1). In order to compare flow cytometry and image cytometry, you must understand the basis of these techniques. Both flow cytometry and image cytometry use florescence to reveal information about cell structure and composition. By immersing the cells in a fluid medium, and recording information about how the medium conducts electricity, it is possible to draw conclusions about the cell composition. For example, the smaller the measurement of the voltage pulse, the smaller the size of the cell.
- 2). Know the main equipment associated with flow cytometry and image cytometry. Flow cytometry and image cytometry both use a device known as the cytometer. The cytometer uses hydrodynamic focusing in order to make the cells penetrate the laser source in a single file. As the cells flow to the interrogation point, the laser strikes them. The forward scatter, or the amount of light that scatters in the forward direction, is then recorded for each individual cell. The sensor that records this information converts the light intensity into voltage measurements. A bar is placed at the center of the sensor to block the light of the laser, allowing only the scattered light to penetrate. Another sensor records the side scatter--the amount of light scattered to the side.
- 3). Although both techniques operate on a similar principle and use cytometers, the results display in a very different way. Flow cytometry typically provides results in the form of histograms and scatter plots. There are usually separate histograms for the forward and side scatters. The x-axis on these diagrams represents the voltage pulse; the y-axis is the cell count. The higher the peak, the larger the size of the cell, or the larger the components inside the cell. The information from the forward scatter and side scatter histograms can be combined in a scatter plot, which displays information regarding cell population and cell size. Image cytometry displays the same data in the form of pictures. By observing the images created from the data, it is possible to understand which types of cells are present in a given sample.
- 4). To compare flow cytometry and image cytometry, understand the uses of each technique. Flow cytometry and image cytometry are used in detecting diseases, such as cancer. Some types of cancer can be detected based on the presence of an abundance of a specific type of cell, in comparison to another type of cell. By obtaining a blood sample, and then putting it through the cytometer, the data for flow cytometry and image cytometry can be obtained and analyzed. Flow cytometry and image cytometry are also used to analyze the structure of DNA. The techniques of flow cytometry and image cytometry complement one another. Scientists typically use both techniques to generate an abundance of data for their tests or experiments.
- 5). Observe sample flow cytometry and image cytometry results. Compare the results, and see how these techniques relate to one another.