How Many Grams of Fat Per Day Should Children Have?
- According to the Institute of Medicine, the total grams of fat per day for children differs by gender and age group as follows: girls ages 4 to 8 (33 to 47g); boys ages 4 to 8 (39 to 54g); girls 9 to 13 (44 to 62g); boys 9 to 13 (50 to 70g). The range takes into account the activity level for each particular child.
- When monitoring your child's fat intake, take into account what kinds of fats you are feeding her. For example, avocados pack about 30g of fat into each fruit, but these are monounsaturated fats, also known as "healthy fats." Olive oil is another monounsaturated fat. Polyunsaturated fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, are found in flaxseed and fish. These types of fats should still be monitored but are much healthier than trans- and saturated fats.
- Talk to your child's doctor about his dietary guidelines based on his specific activity level, size and any special concerns to get a better idea of how many fat grams he should have. However, the dietary guidelines provided by the Institute of Medicine should give you a general range. Make sure your child's fat intake is made up of healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.