Sand Dollar Craft Projects
- Look for sand dollars on beaches at low tide.sand dollars image by itsallgood from
When you've just returned from a trip to the beach and have several sand dollars, spend a day making crafts to keep your treasures. Use different sizes of sand dollars for your projects. From sand dollar jewelry to a seashell wreath, put your sand dollars to good use and save these treasured pieces for years to come. - You'll need several sand dollars, an empty tomato sauce can and air-drying clay. Clean out the tomato sauce can and let it dry. Wrap the can with air-drying clay about 3/8 inch thick. Press the sand dollars into the clay while it's still wet. After the clay dries, use markers to decorate your pencil holder. Write your name and the date on the bottom of the pencil holder so you'll remember it for many years.
- Buy a basic night-light at any local retail store. Remove the plastic shade and find a sand dollar that covers the bulb. Put hot glue on the night-light clip and glue the sand dollar on the clip. The sand dollar shouldn't touch the light bulb. Wait until the glue dries to plug the night-light into a wall electrical outlet.
- Use several sand dollars, large shells, floral wire, small shells, a hot glue gun, greenery and any size of a grapevine craft wreath to create a seashell wreath. Glue a couple pieces of greenery onto the wreath. Take a couple of the large seashells and glue them on before the smaller shells. Fill in any holes with sand dollars and small seashells. Use floral wire to attach any seashells that don't stick with the hot glue. Allow the wreath to dry before using a piece of fabric to hang it.
- Create Christmas ornaments using your sand dollars from the beach. Use acrylic paint to paint a snowman, snowflake or other Christmas design on the sand dollar. Sand dollars have a unique pattern that resembles a poinsettia, so color the inside of it with red paint to create an easy poinsettia Christmas ornament. When the ornament dries, use a piece of ribbon from it to hang on the Christmas tree.