Evolution and Disease
" One hundred years ago Charles Darwin was severely criticized for saying that.
In the process of evolution of disease we have a complex situation.
We are not dealing with a very simple machine like a motorcar and we are not dealing with a simple organism like an animal or plant.
Humans are social animals with history and heredity.
We have a consciousness and can act deliberately with a conscious purpose in mind - we can plan.
We are able to choose one thing or another - accept or reject.
Even knowing that certain actions, certain choices, are harmful to ourselves, we are able to 'soldier on', heedlessly ignoring or rejecting repeated warnings.
This illogical behaviour sets us apart from the lower animals who do not possess this choice of behaviour.
Animals do what they have to do - they don't indulge in un-biological behaviour.
Animals in their natural environment will not harm their environment - it's their home.
Humans, on the other hand have changed nature - altered the environment - and because of this, have developed patterns of disease that are unknown among animals.
It follows that because we consciously perform un-biological acts we develop exotic diseases as a result.
In order to reverse the disease process and restore normality we must consciously cease performing those acts that go against the natural harmony of natures laws.
Unfortunately, many of our diseases are unconsciously produced.
We act out of faith - in accordance with the teachings of the day -and it appears that there has been a high degree of misinformation promulgated in regards to what is now called disease.
The actual pattern of individual ill health is determined by factors of heredity and environment, coupled with mechanical, chemical or mental aberrations.
Our health or ill health depends upon the contents of a complicated melting pot of many factors.
The only common denominator is TOXAEMIA - or a condition of toxic waste matter building up within the entire organism.
This TOXAEMIA, combined with a lack of nerve force, precludes the body from initiating a healing cycle - being able to carry out a 'de-tox' The other factors vary considerably, but the toxic level usually remains fairly constant, hence the prevalence of epidemics.
Medicine has failed, not because the remedies did not work, but because the practitioners simply observed an external symptom and treated it.
Tonsillitis is a good example.
The doctor sees a tonsil that is swollen, red, hot and painful.
Instead of looking for causes and removing them, he acts otherwise.
In a few cases he uses a vacuum pump to suck some of the pus out of the gland.
In the majority of cases he totally extirpates the gland using surgery, dry ice, cautery or a laser beam.
The effect is the same.
The causes remain in existence but the glandular system is unbalanced and other glands must try to compensate for the loss of this essential organ.
The doctor acts in the same way as his patients because he belongs to the same societal group.
He makes the same mistakes as his patients.
The doctor does not set out to do harm.
His intentions are good but the results are sometimes not what he intended.
His treatments sometimes have iatrogenic side effects that puzzle and distress him, but he is powerless to do anything about them.
It seems to me that the only way to resolve this anomaly is to completely change the practice of the healing arts.
The practitioner, whether he or she be a medical doctor or a naturopath, must first seek to find and remove the basic causes of disease.
We must learn to recognize valid causes of disease.
The philosophy of nature cure will teach us that.
Then we must give the ailing organism all of its biological needs.
This information is provided by the science of biology.
Finally, we must practice conservation of energy to enable the sick organism to marshal its inner resources and allow it to heal itself automatically in its own way and in its own time.
Thank you, Kevin