Three Basic Tips Before You Start a WordPress Blog
Either free in WordPress.
com or have your own blog built by using WordPress.
In this article, we will talk about a sel fhosted WordPress which is WordPress.
Blogging with WordPress can be very interesting if you really know what you are blogging about.
Here are some basic tips what you should plan before building your WordPress blog.
Knowing what you are going to blog about.
You should blog about topics that you are really good at.
Let's say you are good at sport, then you should blog about anything sport related, and not about cooking.
When you start to blog, people will visit your blog, and ask some questions or even give you feedbacks.
Therefore to know about your blog's content is very much important to offer your visitors what they need.
Do some review of webhosting provider you want to use to install WordPress.
Choose reliable webhost to avoid being hacked, as you should know webhost server is not much different than our computers.
Some are safe some are not.
Name of the domain of your blog.
The best way is to have a keyword in your domain name.
-Avoid more than three keyword phrases in your domain name, as that's not too easy to remember.
-If you have budget, buying a website is a good idea too, especially if this website has good content and page rank.
However you should do some research of this website's history, and backlinks before you decide to buy it.
How will you get some traffics to your blog.
We all know that without traffics, your blog will be meaningless.
You want to have visitors to read your content.
There are lots of ways to promote your blog, but one thing comes first, your content is the king.