SEO Basics - Don"t Get Google Slapped
The next thing you know all that free traffic you were getting is gone.
You could be doing everything right as far as you know and then bang, that steady flow of traffic has turned into a trickle.
Whether you had your SEO basics in perfect order or not, if you don't play by Google's rules then there is a good chance you'll get punished.
SEO Basics A Change is Going to Come Google makes slight changes to the search and placement algorithms it uses all the time, this is to combat spam and to try to stop people playing the system.
Another clever and I would say naturally accruing thing that holds back the spam sites is the fact that any changes you make to your site, like back links or the on-page SEO basics, can take a long time to register.
If we placed a link on site-A linking back to our site then Google would have to crawl that page to see the new link and then calculate the importance of that link before making any changes to our sites/pages position.
This could take months, so it makes it nearly impossible to measure.
I read somewhere that Google looks at around one hundred different variables to determine where it places a page in the rankings.
With these variables changing all the time, it makes it impossible to measure exactly what you're doing and the results it is producing.
That being said, a few SEO basics have been proven to make a big difference time and time again.
SEO Basics Poor Quality Content Why would any of Google's customers want to read poor quality content? Why would any of Google customers want to read (try to read) badly spun content? What would you do if you were searching for something and through Google and you landed on page where the content didn't make any sense? I would just hit the back button and look for something else.
If I type something into Google, then I want Google to give me good quality relevant results not a load of spam garbage.
This is exactly what Google strives to do and that is exactly what they were trying to achieve with the last major algorithm change.
SEO Basics Stick to the Rules Back in the last week of February Google made one of the biggest changes to its search algorithms to date.
If you were unfortunate enough to have bent the rules slightly with the quality of your content then your site or your articles may have been dropped in the search engine rankings or worse, disappeared completely.
Some of the big article directory's were hit heavily and as a result they are now very strict on approving articles.
Auto blogs, content farms and small websites with weak content were also hit hard.
What can we learn from this? The first thing is, you should never have all your eggs in one basket and by that I mean; if the internet is your main source of income or you would like it to be, then spread out your business don't just rely on SEO and Google.
Here are some of the rules to stick to, to make sure that no matter what Google does then you'll always have a good chance of staying in the big G's good books.
SEO Basics Rules for Keeping Google Happy 1.
First and foremost, use your best content on your site and DON'T reproduce it anywhere else until it has been fully indexed on your site.
Google doesn't punish duplicate content; it just won't show it in the search results.
What I mean is, this article that you're reading now will get published, then once Google has indexed it can then be taken and published in an article directory.
Google has already seen that this one was the original and so when someone searches for one of these keywords they will find this page and not the article in the directory.
I will get visitors from the article directory though because they will find it surfing around the article directory.
The main lesson here is writing the best content you can for your site, give you readers what they are looking for and not some rehashed garbage that doesn't make sense.
Make sure your site has all the Pages required for which you choose to monetizing your site.
The main page to have is a privacy policy page and if you are selling affiliate products then you need to also have an affiliate disclosure page.
A contact page will look good to Google as it proves that you not hiding from anyone.
Good quality, user-friendly, interesting content that your readers want to link to.
Add to that some well-organized SEO basics and Google will love you for it.