Dieting After a Relationship Breakup - To Get Your Ex Back, You Don"t Have to Tear Yourself Down
After a breakup, we may start a diet in order to look better.
Reorienting our lives after the break up, we know we have to develop new relationships to friends and community.
We might have to move and find a new job.
We might decide to to reinvent ourselves.
THE DARKER SIDE OF DIETING However, dieting after the breakup can have a darker side.
The darker side of dieting causes us to feel worthlessness when our weight cycles up and down.
The more we fail, the more tough we become on ourselves.
Instead of adopting healthy eating patterns we opt for extreme types of diets.
Most fad diets use extreme measures.
These measures severely restrict the type of foods eaten.
Whether it is a severe restriction of fat, or just eating one type of food, such as raw fruit.
After the elation of weight loss and the admiration of our friends, many people return to binging.
Binging increases our self-loathing and sense of failure.
Severe restriction of calories lowers the metabolic rate, the rate at which a person burns calories.
After the diet is over the metabolic rate doesn't increase with the higher caloric intake.
The dieter packs on the pounds, most ending up fatter than before.
Lethargy and fatigue results.
These negative emotions can bring you down, and make it difficult to deal with the break up.
You have a hard time thinking straight about your past relationship.
It's more difficult to take the right kinds of actions to get your ex back after the breakup.
THE LIGHTER SIDE OF DIETING The lighter side of dieting is 1) seeking better health overall 2) looking the best we can be and 3) and yes, losing weight if need be.
Just go to any bookstore and you will see shelf after shelf of diet books.
Just start where you are.
Some small changes that pay big dividends for your health: 1 - Pay attention to what is eaten and note meals in a diary.
2 - Make changes comfortable for you.
If you can't throw everything away and start all over again, take out something a bit at a time.
For example, no potato chips at lunch.
Or a piece of fruit for breakfast.
3 - Prepare to eat out - don't go out to dinner famished, you'll just eat more.
Have a protein snack before you go out.
Don't order alcohol.
Stay away from bread and butter.
Watch the amount of dressing on the salad.
4 - Cut out sugary soda pop and fruit drinks.
5 - Eat more fruit and vegetables.
6 - If a meat eater, select lean cuts of meat.
Remove the skin from chicken; cut off the fat around the edge of pork or beef.
Once you get your system going, not only will you feel better about yourself.
You will project a more confident "vibe" which will go a long way in helping you get your ex back.