Effect Of Gender Discrimination In Workplace
Low productivity: Victims of this type of discrimination generally lose morale and motivation required for performing their duties in an effective manner. This will result in loss of productivity. Some of the activities like joking at the sexuality of an individual, offensive jokes of suggestive nature, etc.…. are of this nature. Neither superiors, nor co-workers should keep themselves away from this type of harassment.
Promotions: Some organizations, just put off the promotions to women just with a perception that they cannot perform well like a man in that position. This is also a kind of discrimination. If you are experiencing such a difference in your organization and if your employer is giving promotion to the male staff working under your position, you can very well seek the help of organizations that provide support on how to stop gender discrimination in Australia.
Not only gender discrimination, but also in some firms, people at a very young age like Freshers are continually harassed by the senior most people. Also, the reverse thing can also happen in some organizations. Like, young age people continuously do some sort of disturbance to an old aged person working in their firm just because of the fact that he is working even after his retirement age. These people can seek the help of the support organization to get clarification on ‘how to support equality of age'.
Both, elderly people and very fresh graduates, who have landed in their first job get affected by this sort of difference and they should learn how to support equality of age.