Realities You Should Face When Dating For Love
Your whole being is telling you this is the right girl.
From the first time you know that this is your dream mate.
You are instantly set to take everything serious, to date for love.
Nothing more, nothing less.
But do you know you can screw things up by what you do, no matter how innocent or good intentional they may be? Therefore in this article we are going to discuss about realities you need to face when dating for love.
) You Must Show Seriousness: This is a relationship that you intend to lead to "till death do us part", therefore be serious about it.
One way to do this is to show up on whenever you are on date with her.
Nothing shows lack of seriousness more than lateness.
No matter how busy you are, you can always find time for the important things of life.
Treat your outing with your date as serious as life itself by being punctual.
In case of not meeting up with your date, call her on time, at least a couple of hours before the time.
Remember this person is likely to be your partner for life.
Treat her as precious as your life itself.
Coming late to dinner for example with a female date shows she is worthless, unimportant to you -At least from a woman's perspective.
On the other way round, being on time boosts the ego of women and makes their head balloon.
This feeling increases juice of love in a woman.
After each outing don't, forget to send a thank you note through text, personal phone.
Accompanying it with flowers will go a long way to show how caring and tender you are.
) Remember You're In For A Long Haul: Remember this is not a relationship that you intended to end soon.
It is a relationship that you are taking serious.
She is the woman you are going to likely spend the rest of your life with.
So rule number 2 is, don't pretend! By this I mean be yourself, don'tover act.
Of course we are all actors in that we adapt to situations by adjusting our mannerism a little bit.
But don't overdo it by changing your personality completely.
Let's say you are a quiet person and you sensed the girl likes an extrovert.
Don't go to the extent of becoming a complete talkative.
This is because you can't continue this charade for long.
Soon your true self will emerge from the mask you are wearing.
Rather than acting show your real personality.
I am not talking of negative traits like being an angry bull every time.
Negative traits you know you have should definitely be worked on.
But don't take on the personality you are not.
Always remember that this is a serious relationship.
Therefore, whenever you are together always refer to things you are going to share together in plural, "we will go to the theater together", "shall we do that darling?" Seek her opinion in everything, "what do you think of this?" and so on.
This will make her involved, she will feel belonging, one and the same with you.
)Limit Your Expectations: All of us have criteria we intend our partners to meet, especially the one for life.
However, you must face reality that your date may not meet all your expectations as you definitely are short of some yourself.
This is because she is a mortal with flaws, just as you are.
Most of the flaws of your mate can be worked during married life, not before.
The picture of your perfect mate is therefore that, fantasy and she might not meet your fantasy completely.
But that does not necessarily mean she is not your right person.
Demanding too much of her during a relationship will send the relationship to the rock before you even move on.
What you need to do is to adjust your expectations of your partner in serious relationship.
This leads to another reality that most misunderstand.