Tips for a Stress-Free Vacation
Choose your destination. This may seem blatantly obvious, but it's nonetheless important to consider. It's not enough to be getting away from it all; you want to be getting away to a place that you'll enjoy. Know what you want to do when you get there, and make a reasonable estimate of how long each activity will take. Then you can...
Decide upon the length of your trip. You may need to balance the requirements of your job with all you'd like to do. Plan your activities, and allow a reasonable amount of time to conduct them. You'll only add to your stress level if you're trying to cram too much in to too short a time. Leave some time open to enjoy unexpected pleasures that may com up.
Plan ahead. Make your reservations for airfare and accommodations as early as possible. Check the hours of operation for any sites you intend to visit; you may even be able to purchase tickets online ahead of time. Arrange for offsite Heathrow airport parking, so you don't need to deal with the stress and traffic of the multiple terminals there.
Take care of things at work. If you want to truly be able to relax, you shouldn't have to worry about what's going on back at the office. Make sure you have assigned someone to handle your responsibilities, and leave a message on your voicemail directing questions to that person. Set up your e-mail with an "out of office" response, again with a designated contact person for problems that just won't wait. Then, unplug! Avoid the temptation to check your work messages while you're away. You'll actually be a more productive employee upon your return if you've truly put work out of your mind for a little while.
With this bit of attention to detail ahead of time, you will find that you can enjoy a vacation that truly feels like one!