Injectable Stanozolol
Stanozolol feature is that its substance is dissolved in oil is not, as is usually done in most steroids, while in the water. Although almost every bodybuilder who has experience taking steroids, he knows the difference, but in practice this knowledge is little used. The intervals between injections of stanozolol should be shorter than when other steroids. This means that should Stanozolol be injected more often than steroids dissolved in oil (Primobol, Deca-Durabolin, Sustanon-250, Parabolan, etc.). The reason is the relatively short half-life of dissolved steroids, which are rapidly released into the bloodstream, but act short-lived.
Practice has shown that Stanozolol 50 mg / ml must be injected at least twice a week, but best results are observed with daily injections.
The substance Stanozolol is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone and consequently it does not aromatize into estrogen, and only in rare cases, cause water retention.
Based on these characteristics the main application of stanozolol - bodybuilding, preparation for a competition. In combination with reduced in calories and high protein diet, Winstrol gives muscle elasticity and firmness. Injectable Stanozolol is taken in the diet is usually not the only steroid, as due to its low androgenic component, it protects the athlete from bad loss of muscle tissue. The absence of androgenic effects optimally compensated by combining the use of any of the options for trenbolone. Although there is no scientific explanation, synergy effect is confirmed on the basis of numerous examples of prevention. The combination of Stanozolol 50 mg per day and trenbolone acetate - 30 mg per day was a "top-combination" of the Champions 80.
Other steroids that have successfully taken at the time of preparation for competition with Stanozolol is Boldenone, Oxandrolone, Testosterone propionate, Primobolan.
Internet offers today the possibility to order Stanozolol by Geneza Pharmaceuticals from a provider site
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