Stress and Assertion
Even as STRESS is caused by many STRESSORS; the restriction on breathing, sleep, drinking, eating, defecation, urination and delivery of baby; can cause severe STRESS.
In short; restriction on or opposition to any physiological activity can cause enormous STRESS.
But even as this STRESS is easy to recognize; most of us do not recognize the STRESS caused by the opposition, suppression or restriction of assertion! In fact; more often than not; rather than others; we ourselves suppress or inhibit our own assertion! Assertion is following our own conscience.
Assertion is following our inner voice.
Assertion is implementing inspiration of our soul.
We the human beings have freedom to be objective and assert; in tune with aspirations of billions! But in as much as we have this freedom to assert; we are also sure to get STRESSED if we do not learn; "how to be objective and assert" through Total Stress Management (the core of which is NAMASMARAN).
Hence it high time that we the law makers all over the world must come together to expedite the urgently needed refinement of international laws and national constitutions and laws, to avail justice for mankind; and enable every individual and the world to blossom together.
We may find the objective, impartial study and critical evaluation of scriptures such as SMRUTIs (Narad Smruti, Vasishtha Smruti, Yajnyavalkya Smruti etc.
); useful so as to pool together the wisdom of philosophy, psychology, physiology, biology, economy, industry etc.
If we study and practice Total stress Management (the core of which is NAMASMARAN); then we can grow increasingly objective in perspective, perception, thinking, feelings and actions so as to have appropriate laws, rules etc and usher in justice and blossoming for one and all! DR.
In short; restriction on or opposition to any physiological activity can cause enormous STRESS.
But even as this STRESS is easy to recognize; most of us do not recognize the STRESS caused by the opposition, suppression or restriction of assertion! In fact; more often than not; rather than others; we ourselves suppress or inhibit our own assertion! Assertion is following our own conscience.
Assertion is following our inner voice.
Assertion is implementing inspiration of our soul.
We the human beings have freedom to be objective and assert; in tune with aspirations of billions! But in as much as we have this freedom to assert; we are also sure to get STRESSED if we do not learn; "how to be objective and assert" through Total Stress Management (the core of which is NAMASMARAN).
Hence it high time that we the law makers all over the world must come together to expedite the urgently needed refinement of international laws and national constitutions and laws, to avail justice for mankind; and enable every individual and the world to blossom together.
We may find the objective, impartial study and critical evaluation of scriptures such as SMRUTIs (Narad Smruti, Vasishtha Smruti, Yajnyavalkya Smruti etc.
); useful so as to pool together the wisdom of philosophy, psychology, physiology, biology, economy, industry etc.
If we study and practice Total stress Management (the core of which is NAMASMARAN); then we can grow increasingly objective in perspective, perception, thinking, feelings and actions so as to have appropriate laws, rules etc and usher in justice and blossoming for one and all! DR.