Hepatitis C Insight
Like the other types patients with this kind of hepatitis are often asymptomatic which means with no signs and symptoms upon onset and during acute phase; where the duration for acute stage is within the first six months from onset of the disease.
In the chronic stage that is after six months from onset and onwards, presence of liver scarring referred to as fibrosis can be observed and if not treated progresses to a more advanced phase with condition referred to as liver cirrhosis.
Upon onset of cirrhosis observable symptoms would then be slowly manifested by the patient such as change in skin color appearance to a yellowish one due to the accumulated bilirubin level in the blood medically referred to as jaundice; malaise, itchiness, decreased appetite or "anorexia", weariness and being quickly bruised due to decreased level of clotting factors are significantly observed as well.
Risk Factors Like the other hepatitis disease, hepatitis C has its predisposing factors.
Patients who have been undergoing dialysis of the kidney for a longer period are at high risk to acquire this type of hepatitis.
Individuals with jobs associated with blood contact are also predisposed to such disease such as medical health workers sector.
People who engaged in an unprotected sex are prone to catch this type of hepatitis.
Although according to research this risk factor is rarely prevalent but for person with HIV or STD it is highly prevalent.
The sharing of needle injections commonly practiced by prohibited drug users, tattoo fanatics, acupuncture practices predisposes them to hepatitis not just the C type.
Blood transfusion and receiving organs from donors with this disease predisposes someone.
The simple sharing of personal belongings for hygiene such as toothbrush and razor are considered to be risk factors as well although this is a rare practice.
Lastly, the possibility of hepatitis transmission from a pregnant mother to its offspring is in the list too.
Prevention Even at present there have been no vaccine discovered to be protected from the type C hepatitis.
It's only the Hepatitis types A and B have available vaccines.
However, the good news is that the disease can be prevented.
Its preventive measures are very simple; it only takes to avoid what was mentioned under predisposing factors so as not to be predisposed to the said hepatitis C infectious disease.