How Does a Sling Help an Injured Arm?
- A sling helps an injured arm by keeping the arm immobile, which helps to promote healing by limiting the activity of the injured arm. An arm injury, no matter the location on the arm, can be aggravated or made worse by movement. An arm sling prevents most, if not all, arm movement, which speeding the healing process. Injured tissues and muscles of the arm can heal much faster without unneccessary movement.
- In additon to immobilizing an injured arm, an arm sling helps an injured arm by keeping the arm close to the body, which in turn shields the arm from a variety of outside insults--including being caught in a door, hyperextended, or twisted. In this regard, a sling acts as a protective barrier.
- An injured arm that is kept in a sling tends to have less inflammation than an injured arm without the support of a sling. By keeping the arm in a fixed position while also in an elevated position, blood tends to flow in a much more even and normal pattern. This can reduce the amount of inflammation in an injured arm, which can further speed the natural healing process.