How Can I Get My Ex Back If He Doesn"t Want Me? 5 Ways To Make Your Ex Want You Again!
You see, your ex DOES want you, that's why they chose you in the first place; BUT there are a few things that your ex doesn't like in regard to your actions.
What this means is that there are some things you do, which your ex simply can't stand, and THOSE things are the reasons why your ex doesn't seem to want you.
Thus, you can potentially get your ex back and you can make your ex want you again; IF you remove those obstacles.
Use these 5 tips as a guideline to help you win your ex back: Feel Your Emotions But Don't Express Them - Your emotions are what got you into trouble to begin with.
They are what caused you to argue, insult, criticize, judge, lie, be selfish, not listen, and misunderstand.
THUS, you need to learn to FEEL them but not express them, which in essence means: getting emotional control.
Become Confident - Your confidence took a direct hit when your ex rejected you, and he knows that.
It's unattractive, and men look for a woman who is confident in herself.
It's not cute to be around a woman who is constantly down on herself, and who always relies on others to support her or hold her up, because her self esteem is so low.
Confidence is sexy, adapt it! Change Your Looks - Men are visual, and behind every model is a bored husband.
What this means is that men grow bored of your looks, and there comes a point where you need to change them up or make yourself look better so that he can notice you again.
This could be as simple as a hairstyle change and a new wardrobe.
Become A High Quality Woman - A high quality woman is one who does not hand herself out easily to men, she shows reservation, and makes a man work for her time and attention.
If you want to win him back, you need to do this; EVEN THOUGH you have already given him everything before, it's ALRIGHT to reserve things again, especially when it comes to intimacy.
Reserving intimacy from a man whom you've already had intimacy with makes him desire it even more, because it becomes a challenge to him, and men are challenge driven by nature.
Slam The Door In His Face - People never like the taste of their own medicine; especially when it comes to breakups and being ignored.
For instance, if a man ignores a woman, he gets enjoyment out of it; YET if she ignores him in return, he feels insulted BUT it puts him in his place.
That place of course is a position where he is now chasing you and desires you, because you are showing him that you are not as easy and predictable as he thinks.