How Often Should You Clean the Hose From Your Clothes Dryer to the Outdoors?
- The exhaust vent hose leading from your dryer to the outside should be cleaned at least once a year if you have a dryer with a flexible plastic hose. Most home dryers, both gas and electric, have this kind of hose. To clean it, disconnect the hose from both the dryer and the outside connector on the wall. Use a broom handle to push a rag or small towel through the hose to remove any lint. Next, clean the outside connector on the wall by wiping it with a rag and running a broom handle with a rag attached through it. Then make sure the connector's door opens when the dryer is on and closes when it is off.
- If your dryer has a sheet-metal exhaust vent hose, clean it about every five years. Use a broom and rag to clean the vent hose. These hoses may be attached with metal screws. Replace the screws with foil tape to reattach the hose. The screws can catch lint and cause clogs if not replaced with tape. Foil tape can be purchased at a hardware store or home improvement center.
- If you have a very thin, inexpensive exhaust vent hose (hold it up to the light to see if you can see through it or see any small holes), replace it with a heavier thicker hose. Thin exhaust hoses may become flammable over time. Check your local hardware or home improvement store for replacement hoses. Remember, always vent a dryer outdoors and try to keep the exhaust hose from bending or binding. Also, the exhaust hose shouldn't be longer than 25 ft.