Nonverbal Communications in the Television Industry
It is important to people in business management, leadership and day to day interactions.
Nonverbal communication is also important to relationships outside the workplace in such interactions as dating and parenting.
The television industry is well aware of need to study nonverbal communications.
This communication skill includes listening because while nonverbal signals are exchanged.
These are accompanied by spoken words as well.
Body language is a definite language in that goes on between people.
Your own signals reveal what that you are feeling and what that means to others.
Other people's signals reveal what they are thinking and feeling to you.
There are two kinds of body language-conscious and unconscious.
As you read about nonverbal communication please keep in mind that this is not an exact science.
No single sign if a reliable predictor.
It is necessary in order to truly understand another person to look at and interpret batches of signals at a time to reach the proper conclusion.
Some people understand nonverbal language more easily than others, but it is a skill you can learn and practice to be more successful at understanding others.
The study of nonverbal communication has become very popular recently because of television shows that have characters skilled at reading body language, like the show "Lie to Me.
" Beyond that, actors on television have to understand proper nonverbal communication to make their characters believable given the close-ups the actors work with.
Memorized lines are not sufficient the way television portrays people today.
Since much of the action is nonverbal, the difference between a believable character and one that is not boils down to proper use of body language.
In turn television watchers are more likely to catch wrong nonverbal cues and stop watching the show.
As people become more tuned in to what is proper body language as modeled on television and as they learn that there is such a study, they have become more interested in the study and how it affects their lives.
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