How to Find Your G-Spot - The 3 Most Common Mistakes That Women Make
Although not every member of the female population are adept at having G-spot orgasms for whatever reason, the experience is definitely something that you need to experience at least once in your life.
So what makes for an earth shattering G-spot orgasm? Whether you are going solo or doing it with a partner, how exactly can you locate your G-spot? Finally, what are the most common mistakes made by women who would like to find their G-spots and experience what is bound to be one of the most intense climaxes that they will ever have in their lives? Read on to find out about the three most common mistakes that women make when learning how to find your G-spot.
Mistake #1: Not Knowing Where The G-Spot Is Located Remember that your orgasm is mostly your responsibility.
Sure, it would help if you have a stud of a lover in your bed but ultimately, whether you will reach the big 'O' or not solely depends on you.
So how about this mistake that most women make when looking for their G-spots? The mistake is if you are too conscious of your own body to experiment.
To get over this, make sure that you know where the G-spot is located in the first place.
Experts say that this is a spot within your vaginal wall which can be reached by making a come-hither motion pointing towards the belly button once your finger is about two to three inches up the vaginal wall.
Mistake #2: Not Being 'Brave' Enough To Experiment If men know their equipment like the back of their hands because of all the times that they have gotten familiar with it, the same thing does not necessarily hold true for women.
However, if you do want to achieve a G-spot orgasm, you do need to familiarize yourself with everything down south.
Start by experimenting with what feels goods while rubbing your clitoris.
Then, you can move on to exploring your G-spot - just make sure that you have a lot of lubrication handy.
Mistake #3: Not Using Your Fantasies To Aid You In Achieving A G-Spot Orgasm Once you have managed to locate the G-spot, you do need to aid yourself in achieving a G-spot orgasm - and a bit of fantasizing works well for this.
All in all, allowing yourself to let go, as well as being free and comfortable with your own body is one of the best ways that you can successfully locate and stimulate your G-spot to improve the overall quality of your sex life.
Now that you know about the top three mistakes that most women make when it comes to learning how to find your G-spot, visit our site so that you can gain access to the steps that you need to perform on locating the G-spot and reaching a mind blowing orgasm through it.