Vinyl Vs. Wood Fence
- A homeowner skilled with power tools, levels and knowledge of post hole digging could install either variety of fences. The average homeowner, however, should consider paying extra to have the fence professional installed because it is not an easy task.
- Aged wooden fence.
The design of a vinyl fence mimics that of wood fence design options. With either fencing material, you can get pickets with varying design caps and space between pickets, tall privacy fencing with no gaps between the pickets and various gate designs.
With either, you can replace a single damaged picket. Vinyl fences will not discolor with age while unstained or unpainted wood fences will discolor. Wood fences can be painted or stained any color, which can delay the onset of fading. Vinyl fences are limited to light colors, usual white, cream or light gray. - Vinyl and wood as fence material can withstand minor forces, like small children pulling on the pickets. Vinyl outperforms wood when it comes to stronger hits, like someone riding a bicycle into the fence. Wood pickets are more likely to splitter or loosen from the railing, while the vinyl fence will remain unharmed as they spring back following impact. Vinyl will not face the same types of bug issues, like termites, that can affect improperly treated wood fences.
- A big difference in vinyl vs. wood fence is in maintenance. Wood fences will need to be painted every two to three years, or stained every one to two years. The nails or staples securing wood pickets may come loose, particularly if the pickets are repeatedly struck or bumped. Wood fence may develop green mildew that may need to be pressure washed off.
Vinyl needs no special care but like wood, vinyl may develop green mildew in prolonged humid conditions. Soapy water--you may need to add vinegar or bleach depending on the severity of the mildew--and soft bristle brush is all it takes to scrub a vinyl fence clean. - The purchase price of vinyl will be higher than wood but with no upkeep, vinyl will be cheaper in the long run. For comparison, at Lowes, a 42-inch high by 8-foot length of Gothic picket fence costs $19. Also at Lowes, a comparable 36.5-inch high by 8-foot length of vinyl gothic picket fence costs $35.