Help Me Save My Marriage Today and Stop My Wife Divorcing Me
The first thing that you must do to save your marriage is to get your head straight. No matter what has gone on by way of mistakes that you might have made, you have to get your mind in the right frame to begin to make the change.
You want your wife to see and start to believe that yes you have made mistakes, but now you're ready to step up and be the man she fell in love with and who she married.
So take a long hard look at how you've been acting since she announced she wanted the marriage to end. Have you been acting badly, trying to pressurize her into changing her mind? Or have you been full of self-pity and not behaving maturely? Whichever one it is or if it's somewhere in between, you need to get a grip right now.
If you really want the help to "save my marriage today" then you are going to need to start listening to the clues your wife has been giving you for months or even years now.
1) Start to pay more attention to her!
2) Show her respect and don't even question her right to have an opinion. No you don't have to agree with her on every issue, but you must surely respect her right to have an opinion.
3) She should be your bestfriend, treat her that way. Share your thoughts, dreams and ideals with her. Share your day with her.
4) Surprise her with warmth and thought - plan a day out, a date or look after the kids for the weekend while she chills out with friends or on her own.
Can you do all of this and it mean anything in a day? Well obviously no, but if you pick one thing and start to work at that then the rest will follow and your quest to "help me save my marriage today" will have begun.