How to Have Prosperity and Wealth
What struck a chord with me in this talk on prosperity was the idea that in order to prosper, there needs to be some serious discontent in our lives.
Without discontent about where we are versus where we want to be, there is unlikely to be any prosperity.
If we are living in a place of comfort and contentment we are actually living in a place of containment where we don't see the need to make changes and move forward.
When we have a level of discontentment in our lives we are willing to address the areas that are not working for us and make changes that will move us forward towards a greater level of prosperity.
I was reassured by the idea of this as it helped me see the areas of my life that I'm not currently content with in a different light and to appreciate that I have the opportunity to identify and change things that aren't working how I would like them to be.
David Rockefeller once said that "If necessity is the mother of invention, discontent is the father of progress".
So what is prosperity? The word 'prosper' means to be fortunate, to bloom, to flourish, to progress, to succeed and to thrive.
Prosperity includes not only financial wealth but wealth in all areas of our lives.
It is possible to be prospering financially yet be bankrupt in your relationships.
It is not enough just to desire prosperity because your life will follow the direction of your focus before your desires, so are you focusing on what you desire or more on the reasons you don't belief you can achieve whatever it is you desire? What areas of your life would you like to prosper in? Are these the areas that your focus is currently on? Your ability to focus will determine whether you will ever become what you want to be or just remain the way you currently are.
If you are willing to make the decision to do something about the level of prosperity in your life then things will change.
Prosperity is a continual journey rather than a destination, it is continually evolving and moving forward.
It is evolvement of the mind, of the will, of the emotions, of your wealth, of your relationships, of all areas of your life.
What areas of your life are you currently discontent with and going to make the decision to change and start prospering in today?