Are You at Risk of Developing Digestive Disorders?Want to Try Digestive System Herbal Remedy
I was so sick and tired of bending over in agony I started to do some research to find out if there were any digestive system herbal remedies available because the prescription medications were not working.
First let's go over the most common digestive disorders, and remember to consult your doctor for advice especially for chronic digestive problems that do not improve with diet lifestyle changes or digestive system herbal remedies.
o Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) also known as spastic colon is one of the most common chronic digestive disorders in the world and affects up to 20% of the population.
It causes lower abdominal pain, cramping, constipation and diarrhea.
o Crohn's Disease is one of the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases that causes inflammation in the digestive tract resulting in chronic pain and diarrhea.
There may also be rectal bleeding, weight loss and fever.
Many doctors believe that the immune system reacts to a virus or a bacterium, causing chronic inflammation in the intestine.
o Diverticulosis is a digestive disorder in which pockets or diverticula form on the wall of the colon or the large intestine usually because of a weakness in the bowel wall.
Symptoms include left lower abdominal pain, diarrhea, cramps, and changes in bowel habits or even rectal bleeding.
Diverticulosis is associated with a diet high in processed foods and low in fiber and fluids.
Diverticulosis can be effectively treated by increasing dietary fiber and fluid intake and using digestive system herbal remedies to soothe and tone the lining of the digestive tract.
o Ulcerative Colitis is an Inflammatory Bowel Disease and associated with inflammation and ulcers in the inner lining of the colon and rectum.
People who suffer from ulcerative colitis have periods of flare ups and remission, often when stressed, eating a bad diet or illness.
o Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining.
It may be caused by eating spoiled food, by bacteria, viruses, by certain chemicals, as well as by stress and lifestyle factors.
Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea and cramps.
Gastritis may be acute or chronic.
People who suffer from chronic gastritis should look into dietary changes, stress management and removal of alcohol, cigarettes and spices.
o GERD or Acid Reflux Disease (Heartburn) is a condition in which the stomach acid backs up or refluxes into the esophagus due to dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter causing pain and burning.
Some causes of Acid Reflux Disease, or GERD, include obesity, smoking, alcohol abuse and certain foods.
Symptoms can be prevented or lessened by lifestyle and dietary changes as well as the use of digestive system herbal remedies known to promote healthy digestion.
Do natural remedies such as herbs to treat digestive disorders work?Well for me they did!I was so tired of the pain and being "disabled" for a day or two that I had to do something to stop the vicious cycle.
The many synthetic over the counter and prescription medicines to treat my digestive complaints did not help me; in fact some made me feel worse.
Synthetic medications may make a big difference in the quality of life for some people suffering from digestive disorders, but they can also come with side effects like nausea, vomiting, heartburn; headache, diarrhea, infection and immunosuppressant drugs lower the body's natural resistance to illness.
Research has indicated that a combination of natural remedies, regular exercise and dietary changes can make a significant difference to the lives of people suffering from digestive disorders.
Digestive problems are powerfully linked to today's eating habits.
Digestive system herbal remedies have been around since the dawn of time, so the natural approach has a lengthy history of outstanding results without side effects and further damage to the system.
Give these digestive system herbal remedies a try; o Chamomile tea is a calmative and digestive aid with relief from occasional indigestion.
It nourishes the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract.
o Fennel reduces spasms in the intestinal tract, which is why it is used for gas-relieving and gastrointestinal cramps.
Fennel is also thought to increase the production of bile, and has anti-microbial actions.
Fennel was in the past an official drug in the United States and was listed as being used for indigestion.
o Bitter herbs such as Gentian Root (Angostura bitters, Bitterwort) has a long history of use as a herbal bitter in the treatment of digestive disorders and is an ingredient of many proprietary medicines.
It contains some of the most bitter compounds known and is used as a scientific base for measuring bitterness.
Put a few drops in a glass of soda or tea and the gastrointestinal system releases the hormone gastrin, which increases gastric acid, bile flow, and numerous other secretions all along your digestive tract.
o Ginger is considered a tonic for the digestive tract; it stimulates digestion, tones the intestinal muscles, which help move the substances through the digestive tract lessening irritation for the intestinal walls.
Ginger may also protect the stomach from alcohol, ibuprofen and may help prevent ulcers.
o Mints such as peppermint, spearmint, sage, basil help gas and bloating and improves digestion.
o Digestive enzymes in pineapple and papaya are best known for their digestive support as they contain the enzyme papain which has a mild, soothing effect on the stomach and aids in protein digestion.
So, go ahead and don't give up with one try or one product, they really do work.
I finally found that chewing on a few fennel seeds would get rid of the pain within 30 minutes!Of course you can make a tea instead.
It's easy and natural!