Not All MLM Leads Are Created Equal
Not all leads are the same.
Some will convert into sales or lasting business relationships.
Others will be a complete waste of your valuable time, money, and energy.
So which leads are the ones that will give you the greatest return? Here are couple key things to consider.
The source.
What better place to prospect than when you are standing in line at a grocery store, right?Would you try to sell dog food to a person in a flower shop? You might have a better chance of selling them flowers.
Where your prospect is, whether you are talking about physical location or their mindset, can have a huge bearing on whether they are open to seeing what you have.
If you are using banners online in your advertising the location plays a huge factor on the quality of the prospect.
For example, if you advertise a banner on a site that is geared towards people who are looking to kill time with a fun new hobby, then you may be wasting your advertising money.
It's not because they are cheap, it's because they are not looking for what you are offering.
Your time is valuable and you can't afford to spend your time convincing them to take your opportunity seriously if that is not what they are already looking for.
How you market your opportunity.
Early in my network marketing career I was on a training call and a new recruit, full of excitement, got on the call and started to declare that she was going to go door to door prospecting because she thought the opportunity was so great.
Luckily, the leader told her that it was probably not a good idea.
Why? If she was to prospect door to door the prospect would probably think that they would have to go door to door themselves.
This is a great lesson for everyone in the industry.
How you prospect sends a message loud and clear! Do you come across as a professional or do you look like someone that is desperately looking to talk to anybody that will look your way? A lead, no matter how qualified, will appreciate being prospected professionally.
This will give them an insight into what you will be teaching them about growing their own business.
If done properly people will look at your business and want to copy what you are doing.
They should look at you as an expert.
Consistency in your marketing.
Have you ever gone to a store hoping to find a deal that you saw was advertised only to find out that they only had one in stock, and it was already gone.
Did you feel tricked? Of course you did! They were advertising something that you wanted, but they were not offering.
I have heard stories of network marketers asking strangers that they meet in a gym out for coffee saying that they are looking for friends because they are new to the area.
Then, once they finally sit down together the marketer blind sides the prospect with a presentation.
It did not work well for them and it will probably not work out well for you.
Whether you have bought leads or you have generated them yourself your offer and marketing should be consistent.
If you offer them something make sure you deliver.
If you tell them it is a certain type of business then that better be what you are offering them.
Leads that come to you expecting what you have will be much more likely to take the next step with you.
Some people seem to have a knack for turning leads into money.
Being successful at MLM, network marketing, or top tier direct marketing is not simply a matter of buying or generating the necessary amount of leads.
What you do with a lead is the key to turning a lead into a lasting business relationship.
What you do with them once they are in your business is the key to being profitable and helping others achieve the same success.