Entrepreneur Secret - Prioritize Activities!
Here is a big secret used by many Successful Millionaire Entrepreneurs.
If you learn, use and teach this formula you will certainly be assured of achieving far more successful outcomes than you may have ever thought possible.
This is the #1 Key Formula for high levels of productivity and performance and for becoming a self-made millionaire.
Missing this step is the most common downfall and cause of people failing before they even get started.
Follow this formula and you will indeed be on your way to success.
By setting priorities and concentrating, you can accomplish virtually anything you want in life.
This simple strategy has been the primary reason for high income, wealth creation, and financial independence for thousands and even millions of people.
You can now follow in the footsteps of successful people and if you persevere, you can and will reproduce the same type of results and outcomes.
Your ability to determine your highest priority and then to work on that high priority until it is completed is the primary test and measure of willpower, self-discipline, and personal character.
Focus is one of the hardest things to do, but also the most important thing if you want to be a big success.
If you think you can, or you think you can't, either way you are right! Remember a quitter never wins and a winner never quits! Here's the formula for high productivity: begin by making a list of everything you have to do before you begin.
In other words it's time to get organized.
Set priorities on your list by asking yourself these questions over and over: * What are my highest value activities? In other words, what is it that you do that is more valuable than anything else to your work and to your business? * Why am I on my payroll? In other words, what exactly have you been hired to accomplish? Focus on results, not activities.
* What can I and only I do, that if done well, will make a real difference? In other words, this is something that only you can do.
If you don't do it, it won't get done.
But if you do "do it" and you do it well, it can make a significant difference in your business or your personal life.
What is it? * What is the most valuable use of my time right now? There is only one answer to this question at any time.
Your ability to determine the single most valuable use of your time and then to start in on that task is the key to high productivity and financial success.
Finally and most importantly, you must commit yourself to working single-mindedly on one task.
Don't make the mistake of diluting your efforts with a scatter gun approach.
Always choose the most important task, and stay with it until it is 100% complete.
Persevere without diversion or distraction.
Never, never ever give up, continuously push yourself, and strive to keep working at the job until it's done.
Now here's the good news, by continually setting priorities and concentrating on your highest-value tasks, you will soon develop the habit of high performance.
The reality is that habits soon become automatic and will virtually guarantee you great success in life.
This one habit alone can make you a millionaire.
Prioritize your ~ Daily Method of Operation with the most important Money Making Activities at the top.
Successful entrepreneurs have 2 lists, they have a "To Do List" and A "Not To Do List"! Prioritize your "To Do List" with Activities to move you forward toward your goal! Kick everything else on to your "Not To Do List" A great piece of advice I received "Don't ever arrive at the office or in front of your computer without a clear list of priorities.
You'll just read unassociated e-mail and scramble your brain for the day".
Compile your "To Do List" for tomorrow, no later than this evening.
Secret of an Entrepreneur ~ Prioritize Activities! Click Here For More 'Entrepreneur Mindset Secrets'.
If you learn, use and teach this formula you will certainly be assured of achieving far more successful outcomes than you may have ever thought possible.
This is the #1 Key Formula for high levels of productivity and performance and for becoming a self-made millionaire.
Missing this step is the most common downfall and cause of people failing before they even get started.
Follow this formula and you will indeed be on your way to success.
By setting priorities and concentrating, you can accomplish virtually anything you want in life.
This simple strategy has been the primary reason for high income, wealth creation, and financial independence for thousands and even millions of people.
You can now follow in the footsteps of successful people and if you persevere, you can and will reproduce the same type of results and outcomes.
Your ability to determine your highest priority and then to work on that high priority until it is completed is the primary test and measure of willpower, self-discipline, and personal character.
Focus is one of the hardest things to do, but also the most important thing if you want to be a big success.
If you think you can, or you think you can't, either way you are right! Remember a quitter never wins and a winner never quits! Here's the formula for high productivity: begin by making a list of everything you have to do before you begin.
In other words it's time to get organized.
Set priorities on your list by asking yourself these questions over and over: * What are my highest value activities? In other words, what is it that you do that is more valuable than anything else to your work and to your business? * Why am I on my payroll? In other words, what exactly have you been hired to accomplish? Focus on results, not activities.
* What can I and only I do, that if done well, will make a real difference? In other words, this is something that only you can do.
If you don't do it, it won't get done.
But if you do "do it" and you do it well, it can make a significant difference in your business or your personal life.
What is it? * What is the most valuable use of my time right now? There is only one answer to this question at any time.
Your ability to determine the single most valuable use of your time and then to start in on that task is the key to high productivity and financial success.
Finally and most importantly, you must commit yourself to working single-mindedly on one task.
Don't make the mistake of diluting your efforts with a scatter gun approach.
Always choose the most important task, and stay with it until it is 100% complete.
Persevere without diversion or distraction.
Never, never ever give up, continuously push yourself, and strive to keep working at the job until it's done.
Now here's the good news, by continually setting priorities and concentrating on your highest-value tasks, you will soon develop the habit of high performance.
The reality is that habits soon become automatic and will virtually guarantee you great success in life.
This one habit alone can make you a millionaire.
Prioritize your ~ Daily Method of Operation with the most important Money Making Activities at the top.
Successful entrepreneurs have 2 lists, they have a "To Do List" and A "Not To Do List"! Prioritize your "To Do List" with Activities to move you forward toward your goal! Kick everything else on to your "Not To Do List" A great piece of advice I received "Don't ever arrive at the office or in front of your computer without a clear list of priorities.
You'll just read unassociated e-mail and scramble your brain for the day".
Compile your "To Do List" for tomorrow, no later than this evening.
Secret of an Entrepreneur ~ Prioritize Activities! Click Here For More 'Entrepreneur Mindset Secrets'.