How Adding 45 + 45 + 10 Affects Your Nervous System
One of the most overlooked parts of the human body is the spine. The spinal column houses the spinal cord, the literal lifeline between your nervous system and your body. This is also where negative adaptation can wreak the most havoc on our health and well being. Just look at Christopher Reeve as an example.
The nervous system is, quite literally, the master system of the body. Every cell in the body is regulated by the nervous system. Our heart, lungs, digestive organs, immune system, liver, muscles, and skin all fall under the control of the nervous system. Uninterrupted communication between the nervous system and the body is how our bodies heal effectively when injured or put under stress from outside influences.
The part of the nervous system that regulates this communication is called the brain stem. Think of the brain stem as being at the top of the spinal cord, sitting at the base of your skull and just slightly below as well. The brain stem houses the autonomic nervous system, which allows us to go about our lives not having to remember to breathe 12-16 times a minute or to make our own hearts beat 60-80 times a minute. Chances are pretty high that none of us would last very long if we had to remember to control our own vital organ functions to survive.
The spine is made up of 24 vertebrae, all of which are connected by discs made of cartilage except Atlas (C1) and Axis (C2), the top two vertebrae respectively. In fact, the majority of spinal rotation occurs at this level of the spine.
But with the added mobility comes added instability. The 2-ounce Atlas is only connected to the skull above and the Axis below by ligaments and tendons. This allows it to move freely in ways other vertebrae cannot. This also makes it more susceptible to injury over the course of our lives; things like falls when learning how to walk or ride a bike, falling off a horse, the birth process for the baby and the mother, and even the most minor of car accidents. Injury to this area of the spine will actually cause the Atlas to put endangering stress or tension on the spinal cord near the brain stem, resulting in interruption of communication between the nervous system and the body. This is called the vertebral subluxation. Left alone and, over time, symptoms will develop in any number of ways.
With only about 10% of our nerves used to sense pain, you can see that relying on symptoms alone to know if you are sick or healthy is not reliable. With approximately 45% of your nerves controlling your muscles, and the remaining 45% controlling your organs, glands, and blood vessels, symptoms are actually the last indicator you should rely on when it comes to your health.
Getting your nervous system checked and making sure your Atlas, Axis, and the rest of your spine are in alignment will ensure your nervous system can communicate properly with your body. When this happens, it is only a matter of time before your body begins healing properly and true health and vitality can be achieved.