3 Helpful Tips For Winning Your Ex Back
If you have strong feelings for your ex and miss them very much, you're probably desperate to find out where you stand and if there is a chance for them to take you back and mend the relationship.
There are many ways to fix a broken relationship and winning your ex back, but they are very individual from case-to-case.
However, there are some universal psychological elements that apply to almost any situation and to every person and the following tips will help you on the way to get control over your breakup.
Tip #1: After a breakup is the time where the person who was dumped has the natural big urge to jump right at their ax and almost uncontrollably demand their attention and try to prove to them how much you love them and how much you are prepared to make things better.
This is a natural instinct, but don't do it! Instead leave your ex alone for a while and they will even begin to miss you.
In the meantime try to seriously think why your relationship ended and what you should to to win their heart and mind back.
Note, you cannot just tell them with words that things are going to get better etc, but you need to find the right way to SHOW them.
Tip #2: Get out there and mix with some friends and try as much as you can to get active.
I know it's easy to say and harder to do...
but just think that even if you sit around and drink all day or watch telly the situation is in no way going to get better.
On the contrary.
If your ex realizes that you get on with your life and pick yourself up...
this will make you hundred times more attractive to them, instead of letting them feel sorry for you.
Tip #3: After about a month is up and you get more in control of your feelings, you should approach them gradually again.
But don't make it too demanding in any way...
Show them that you have began to sort out the issues and are prepared to put work into your relationship, whatever depends on you.
When you approach your ex again you should do it with a plan...
that's important, because otherwise you might fall into the old panicky behavior.
And in order to develop a plan you need to search for the core reason your relationship had its "break" or you'll not be able to fix it.
For help on finding out the real reason behind your breakup there are some excellent resources on the web that will also help you develop your unique approach to winning them back.
If you'd like some more tips from someone who knows relationships inside-and-out, check out the site below for a bunch of free tips and advice on how to "uncover" the real reason for your breakup and approaching your ex the right way again.