How Soma Treats Muscle Pain
Carisoprodol is a medically proven muscle relaxant. This allows the muscles to relax and increases the blood flow to the damaged tissues. This increased blood flow is vital to the healing process of any tissue. Tissues receive oxygen from the blood and release damaged tissue and toxins into the blood stream. Oxygen is a vital element needed for tissue to regenerate in the body.
Soma works with the body's natural healing process by relaxing the muscles which are usually tightened due to pain and tension. Tense muscles restrict the flow of blood by constricting around the blood vessels. This causes a decrease in the amount of blood that can be moved through the vessel, similar to placing a clamp on a hose. It may not completely stop the flow of blood, but it will be reduced enough that it can inhibit the body's ability to heal.
Another benefit of using Soma is the relatively minor side effects associated with the medication. There have been reports of mild headaches but these can usually be treated with standard over the counter medications, such as aspirin. There have also been reported cases of dizziness and drowsiness but these have been rare and short lived.
The only concern with carisoprodol is the possibility of allergic reaction. Any allergic reaction to a medication can be extremely dangerous and should be reported immediately to your doctor. The symptoms of allergic reaction can be as mild as a minor rash or as major as swelling of the tongue and throat. If the patient experiences any abnormal reaction not previously disclosed by their doctor, they need to call their doctor and stop taking the medication until receiving permission from their health care professional.
Soma can be of great benefit for anyone suffering from muscle stress or strain. It should only be taken under the supervision of a medical professional. Any patient who may wish to become or is pregnant should not take this medication without first consulting with their doctor.