How to Drive in Snow With Front Wheel Drive
- 1). Drive slow. This is one of the most important precautions to take when driving a front-wheel drive car in snowy and icy conditions. Careless driving and excessive speeds cause many accidents and occurrences for vehicles to become stuck in the snow. Slow down and stay aware of road conditions, how your car reacts to them and to allow enough time to avoid road hazards.
- 2). Look ahead. When driving in snowy and icy conditions, it is important to look as far ahead of the car as possible to receive advance warning of any upcoming changes in road conditions. You need the extra time if the road conditions worsen or there is a bend in the road, in which case, slow the vehicle.
- 3). Increase the distance between your car and the cars in front of you. Allow at least twice the distance than you normally leave between the cars in front of you. That way if the vehicle in front of you slows or comes to a stop, you will have sufficient time to slow or stop your vehicle without losing control.
- 4). Drive smoothly. Snowy and icy conditions are slippery, so sudden inputs through the steering wheel, gas, clutch and brake pedals cause changes in the vehicle's composure. Hold the wheel loosely with both hands and turn the wheel slowly. Do not suddenly let out the clutch when shifting and be gentle with gas and brake inputs.
- 5). Do not lift your foot suddenly from the accelerator in a corner. In a front-wheel drive car, the rear wheels have less grip and weight over them. Lifting your foot abruptly from the gas pedal may cause the car to become unbalanced and the rear to swing around, forcing the vehicle into a slide. If you need to decelerate during cornering, do so gently and progressively.
- 6). Do not use the brakes in a corner if possible. Sudden application of the brakes in a corner may unbalance the vehicle's stability. If you need to decelerate, use a combination of gently lifting your foot from the throttle while gently applying the brakes.
- 7). Learn how to steer into a skid. If a front-wheel drive vehicle begins to slide, steer away from the corner, rather than continuing to steer into the corner. This should help you correct the slide. Once the slide has been corrected, gently apply the throttle to pull you out of the slide. This is one of those skills that takes hands-on practice to master. A car control course or class will also help you practice and learn these skills.
- 8). Be prepared. When driving in snowy conditions, avoid driving if you don't have the proper winter tires. If the conditions are bad enough, use tire chains to increase the vehicle's grip on the road. Have gloves in the car and safety items such as a small shovel to dig the car out of it gets stuck and a hazard triangle to alert travelers coming up behind you.